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Web design CSS – কুইজ মডেল টেস্ট


css – Web-design-CSS – কুইজ মডেল টেস্ট অনুশীলন – 1

9552. Web design CSS | Which factor influence organizations’ argument for social responsibility

  1. All of the above
  2. Averting government rules and regulation
  3. Changing public expectations of business
  4. Public image

9553. Who defined social responsibility as the business obligation to pursue the policies, to follow these lines of action as desired in terms of the goals and values of our society

  1. Van Maanen J. SchienAndrews
  2. K.R.Bowen
  3. H. R.None of the above

9554. “According to this logic, if manufacturers’ profits are rising, it follows that they are producing more. If they produce more, then they have to ship more goods to consumers. Hence, if an investor is looking for signs of health in manufacturers, he or she should look at the performance of the companies that ship the output of them to market, the railroads.”

  1. Market has three phases
  2. Trends exist until definitive signals prove that they have ended
  3. Market discounts all news
  4. Averages must confirm each other

9555. Which of the following is not a Dow Theory?

  1. Market averages must confirm
  2. Markets have 5 trends
  3. Trends have 3 phases
  4. Market discounts all news

9556. The accumulation phase occurs when _______________.

  1. The “expert” traders are actively taking positions which are against the majority of people in the market. Small price changes during this phase occur as the “experts” are in the minority so they are not a large enough group to move the market
  2. The “expert” traders are leaving positions which are against the majority of people in the market. Price starts to change during this phase as the “experts” are in power
  3. The “expert” traders are actively taking positions which are against the majority of people in the market. Price does not change much during this phase as the “experts” are in the minority so they are not a large enough group to move the market
  4. The “expert” traders are actively taking positions which are in the direction of the majority of people in the market. Price does not change much during this phase as the “experts” are in the minority so they are not a large enough group to move the market

9557. Which type of style should you use if you want to use the formats on multiple pages

  1. Embedded
  2. Inline
  3. Orthogonal
  4. Linked

 Web design CSS  | আমাদের কাছে থাকা লক্ষ লক্ষ মডেল টেস্ট থেকে প্রাকটিজের জন্য কিছু এখানে তুলে ধরা হল। প্রতিটি অধ্যায়ের উপরে ইশিখন.কম কুইজ চ্যালেঞ্জ এ আছে শত শত মডেল টেস্ট বার বার মডেল টেস্ট দিয়ে নিজেকে যাচাই কর এবং পুরো বাংলাদেশের সকল শিক্ষার্থীর সাথে আপনার মেধা তালিকা দেখুন। প্রশ্নে কোন প্রকার ভুল থাকলে সঠিক উত্তরসহ নিচে কমেন্ট করে জানাবেন, আমরা ঠিক করে দেবো।


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