🎉চলছে ইশিখন স্কিল ফেস্ট অফার!! নতুন বছরে সকল অনলাইন কোর্সে চলছে ৭০% পর্যন্ত ডিসকাউন্ট!! বিস্তারিত

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Computer+IT Specialist Live Course for Office work and Computer Operator

বর্তমান বিশ্ব প্রযুক্তি নির্ভর। তাই প্রযুক্তি সম্পর্কে শিখতে, জানতে প্রথমেই আমাদের কম্পিউটারের বেসিক জানা দরকার। অন্যদিকে, আজকাল যেকোনো অফিসে জব করতে গেলেই কম্পিউটারের জ্ঞান থাকা আবশ্যক। কম্পিউটারের বেসিক থেকে মোটামুটি এ্যাডভান্স লেবেল পর্যন্ত কম্পিউটার শিখতে চাইলে কোর্সটি করতে পারবেন।


  কিভাবে কোর্স অর্ডার করবেন দেখুন      কিভাবে লাইভ ক্লাস করবেন দেখুন    বিগত ব্যাচের ক্লাসসমূহ দেখুন 

কম্পিউটার না থাকলে দেশব্যাপী ইশিখন এজেন্ট সেন্টারগুলোতে গিয়েও ক্লাসে অংশ নিতে পারবেন। আমাদের দেশব্যাপী এজেন্টসমূহ দেখতে ক্লিক করুন


শুধুমাত্র কম্পিউটার না জানার কারণে ৬০% জব চান্স মিস হয়। যাদের ভাল ফলাফলের পাশাপাশি কম্পিউটারেও ভাল দক্ষতা আছে, চাকরির ক্ষেত্রে তারা অন্যদের চেয়ে অনেক বেশি এগিয়ে থাকে। এছাড়াও প্রায় সকল কোম্পানির জন্য একাধিক আইটি স্পেশালিস্ট অথবা একজন কম্পিউটার অপারেটর প্রয়োজন হয়। যাদের কম্পিউটার জ্ঞান সীমিত কিংবা বেসিক জানেন, তারা আমাদের এই কোর্স  সম্পন্ন করেই যেকোন কোম্পানিতে কম্পিউটার অপারেটর কিংবা আইটি স্পেশালিস্ট পদেও জব করতে সক্ষম হবেন।  বর্তমান বিশ্ব প্রযুক্তি নির্ভর। তাই প্রযুক্তি সম্পর্কে শিখতে, জানতে প্রথমেই আমাদের কম্পিউটারের বেসিক জানা দরকার। অন্যদিকে, আজকাল যেকোনো অফিসে জব করতে গেলেই কম্পিউটারের জ্ঞান থাকা আবশ্যক। আমাদের এই কোর্সে কম্পিউটারের বেসিক বিষয়গুলি সম্পর্কে আলোচনা করা হবে। কম্পিউটারে কিভাবে দ্রুত বাংলা/ইংলিশ টাইপ করতে হয় এবং মাইক্রোসফট অফিসে কিভাবে কাজ করতে হয় তা শেখানো হবে। তাই যারা বেসিক থেকে মোটামুটি এ্যাডভান্স লেভেল পর্যন্ত কম্পিউটার শিখতে চান তাদের জন্য আমাদের এই কোর্সটি।

সম্পূর্ণ কোর্স কারিকুলাম দেখতে নিচে স্ক্রোল(Scroll) করুন।

যারা অফিসের হিসাব রক্ষক হতে চান।
যারা ডাটা এন্ট্রির কাজ করতে চান।
যারা ঘরে বসে অনলাইনে অর্থ উপার্জন করতে চান।
যারা স্বাধীনভাবে কাজ করতে চান।
যারা পড়াশুনার পাশাপাশি পার্টটাইম কিছু করে পড়াশুনা চালিয়ে নিতে চান

Basic Computer
MS excel
MS Word
MS PowerPoint
PhotoShop & Illustrator Basic
Internet Browsing and Search Engines
Freelancing Marketplace

*Computer + IT Specialist for Office work কোর্সটি শুরু করার পূর্বে অন্য কোন বিষয়ের উপর ধারনা থাকার প্রয়োজন নেই।
ইন্টারনেট কানেকশনসহ একটি কম্পিউটার
একটি হেডফোন (ল্যাপটপ হলে হেডফোন আবশ্যক নয়।)

CPU: Intel core i3 Or Dual Core or AMDryzen 3
Motherboard: Supports 32GB or more ram and SATA 3.0 and 2TB-4TB HD
Ram: 4GB
SSD: 128 GB
Hard Disk: 500GB/1TB

লাইভ ক্লাস মিস করলে পরের দিন কোর্সের ভেতর উক্ত ক্লাসের ভিডিও রেকর্ডিং ও আলোচিত ফাইল সমূহ পাবেন।
কোর্স শেষেও লাইফ টাইম সাপোর্ট। যতদিন না আপনি কাজ পাচ্ছেন ততদিন এক্সপার্ট ফ্রিল্যান্সার দ্বারা তত্ত্বাবধান। ক্লাসের বাইরেও রয়েছে লাইভ সাপোর্ট, ফোন, ফেসবুক এবং মেসেঞ্জার গ্রুপ সাপোর্ট।
প্রতিটি ক্লাসের প্রথম ১৫ মিনিট আগের ক্লাসের সমস্যাগুলো সমাধান হবে, পরের ১ ঘন্টা মূল ক্লাস, শেষ ১৫ মিনিট প্রশ্নোত্তর পর্ব।
প্রতিটি ক্লাসে রয়েছে মডেল টেস্ট এবং এসাইনমেন্ট।
কোর্স শেষে আপওয়ার্ক, ফাইভার, ফ্রিল্যান্সারসহ বিভিন্ন মার্কেটপ্লেসের উপর স্পেশাল ফ্রিল্যান্সিং ক্লাস। তাছাড়াও রয়েছে রিভিউ/প্রবলেম সলভিং ক্লাসসমূহ।
কোর্স শেষে অনলাইন ভেরিফায়েড সার্টিফিকেট।
কোর্স শেষে ফ্রি এবং পেইড ইন্টার্ণশিপ করার সুযোগ ।

বিভিন্ন কোম্পানিতে হিসাব রক্ষক হিসেবে কাজ করতে পারবেন।
বিভিন্ন প্রতিষ্ঠানে কম্পিউটার অপারেটর হিসেবে জব করতে পারবেন
নিজের ব্যবসা প্রতিষ্ঠান পরিচালনা করতে পারবেন।

Course Batches

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    COIT-Batch-N251-1 (Sat-Mon-Wed) 08:00 PM Start Date: Monday, January 20, 2025

    January 20, 2025
    20:00 - 21:30
    1 Days
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Course Curriculum

Class – 1:
Introduction 00:00:00
Importance and Applications of Computer & IT Education 00:00:00
Basic Concept of Computer (Theoretical) [Define Computer, Generation/History, Classifications, Elements, Memory, etc. etc.] 00:00:00
Basic Knowledge of Operation System [Windows 7, Windows 10, Linux, Others] 00:00:00
Class – 2:
Software (Various Software Setup & Use of some important Utility Software) 00:00:00
Class – 3:
English 00:00:00
Bangla 00:00:00
Use of typing master application 00:00:00
Class – 4:
Other Languages 00:00:00
Voice Typing 00:00:00
Introduction 00:00:00
Application 00:00:00
Browsing 00:00:00
Class – 5:
Search engines 00:00:00
Various Websites browsing & Sign up/Sign in (Gmail, Yahoo Mail, MS Outlook, Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Bdjobs, Others , Google Sheet/Google Form) 00:00:00
Class – 6:
Microsoft Word (part 1)
File options [Info, New, Open, Save/Save as (File Password), Share, Account, Option] 00:00:00
Clipboard/format painter 00:00:00
Font Options 00:00:00
Paragraph Formatting 00:00:00
Find/replace/go to/editing 00:00:00
Header & footer 00:00:00
Insert page number 00:00:00
Class – 7:
Microsoft Word (part 2)
Page Setup/Margin 00:00:00
Columns 00:00:00
Link 00:00:00
Tab Setting 00:00:00
Table 00:00:00
Chart 00:00:00
Diagram/Smart Art 00:00:00
Class – 8:
Microsoft Word (part 3)
Auto Text/Fields 00:00:00
Date& Time 00:00:00
Equation & Symbol 00:00:00
Page Background 00:00:00
Use Watermarks 00:00:00
Drop Cap 00:00:00
Text Box 00:00:00
Word Art 00:00:00
Hyperlink 00:00:00
Class – 9:
Microsoft Word (part 4)
Indent & Spacing, Hanging 00:00:00
Footnote and Endnote 00:00:00
Indexing or Table of Contents 00:00:00
Track Changes (Accept/Reject) 00:00:00
Review Tab 00:00:00
View Tab 00:00:00
Class – 10:
Microsoft Excel (part 1)
What is Excel? 00:00:00
Types of Object in Excel 00:00:00
Understand rows and columns in Excel 00:00:00
Ribbon, Quick Access Toolbar and Status Bar 00:00:00
Different types of TABS in Excel 00:00:00
Layout/References 00:00:00
File Tab [Info, New, Open, Save as, Share, Account, Option] 00:00:00
Class – 11:
Microsoft Excel (part 2)
Home Tab [Clipboard, Font, Alignment, Number, Styles, Cells, Editing] 00:00:00
Insert Tab [Tables, Charts, Sparkline/Illustrations, Filters, Links, Tex] 00:00:00
Pivot Table 00:00:00
Power Query 00:00:00
Chart 00:00:00
Page Layout Tab 00:00:00
Workbook View 00:00:00
Class – 12:
Microsoft Excel (part 3)
Formulas Tab 00:00:00
Basic Function (Average, AverageA, Sum, AutoSum, Sumif, Sumifs, Count, Countif, Countifs) 00:00:00
Class – 13:
Microsoft Excel (part 4)
Use of Logical Function (IF) Function 00:00:00
Class – 14:
Microsoft Excel (part 5)
VLOOKUP 00:00:00
HLOOKUP 00:00:00
Define Table 00:00:00
Get External Data 00:00:00
Connections 00:00:00
Sort & Filter 00:00:00
Data Tools 00:00:00
Class – 15:
Microsoft Excel (part 6)
Text Function 00:00:00
Date & Time Function 00:00:00
Lookup Function 00:00:00
Reference Function 00:00:00
Financial Function 00:00:00
Math Function 00:00:00
Statistical Function 00:00:00
Class – 16:
Microsoft Excel (part 7)
Engineering Function 00:00:00
Information Function 00:00:00
Compatibility Function 00:00:00
Review Tab (Comments, Changes) 00:00:00
View Tab (Workbook View, Show, Window) 00:00:00
Protect Sheet/Book 00:00:00
Freeze Panes 00:00:00
Class – 17:
Microsoft Excel (part 8)
Excel VBA 00:00:00
Excel Macro 00:00:00
Clear (All, Format, Comments, Hyperlink, Content, Insert, Delete, Color) 00:00:00
Review Excel Related Classes 00:00:00
Class – 18:
Microsoft PowerPoint (part 1)
Introduction 00:00:00
Developing a PowerPoint presentation 00:00:00
Table 00:00:00
Graph 00:00:00
Importing and Exporting 00:00:00
Working with Objects 00:00:00
Templates and Masters 00:00:00
Class – 19:
Microsoft PowerPoint (part 2)
Transitions and Animation 00:00:00
Interactive Slide shows 00:00:00
Multimedia Automation 00:00:00
Setting up a Slide Show 00:00:00
Class – 20:
Microsoft Access (part 1)
Introduction 00:00:00
Table Data/Records 00:00:00
Primary Key 00:00:00
Foreign Key 00:00:00
Data Type 00:00:00
Class – 21:
Microsoft Access (part 2)
Query 00:00:00
Forms 00:00:00
Creating report 00:00:00
Review MS Access & problem solution 00:00:00
Class – 22:
Adobe Photoshop 00:00:00
Introduction 00:00:00
Document window 00:00:00
Working with selections 00:00:00
Color modes 00:00:00
Tools 00:00:00
Class – 23:
Adobe Photoshop 00:00:00
Photo Editing 00:00:00
Layer Style and Filter effects 00:00:00
Printing in Photoshop 00:00:00
Class – 24:
Adobe Illustrator 00:00:00
Introduction 00:00:00
Page setup 00:00:00
Color 00:00:00
Tools 00:00:00
Objects 00:00:00
Working with text 00:00:00
Working with shapes 00:00:00
Saving and Exporting 00:00:00
Class – 25:
Adobe Illustrator 00:00:00
Live Project (Basic) 00:00:00
Class – 26:
Full Course Review and solution 00:00:00
Freelancing Class : Fiverr
Introduction with fiverr 00:00:00
Signing up 00:00:00
Profile Creation 00:00:00
Gig creation 00:00:00
Rules & regulation 00:00:00
Buyer request 00:00:00
Order complete 00:00:00
File delivery system 00:00:00
Freelancing Class : Upwork.com
Introduction of upwork.com 00:00:00
How to sign up? 00:00:00
How to get Upwork profile approved? 00:00:00
How to verify yourself on upwork.com? 00:00:00
How to get payment method verified? 00:00:00
How to pass on Upwork readiness test? 00:00:00
How to setup 100% profile? 00:00:00
How to write cover letter? 00:00:00
How to bid? 00:00:00
How you can justify buyer? 00:00:00
What is the best time to bid on Upwork? 00:00:00
How you can win the bid? And so on. 00:00:00
Freelancing Class :freelancer.com
Introduction of freelancer.com 00:00:00
How to sign up? 00:00:00
How to verify yourself on freelancer.com? 00:00:00
How to get payment method verified? 00:00:00
How to setup your portfolio? 00:00:00
How to write a cover letter? 00:00:00
How to bid? 00:00:00
How you can justify buyer? 00:00:00
Why you need freelancer.com membership? 00:00:00
How you can win the bid? 00:00:00
Marketplace Payment Solutions Class : Payoneer
Signing up 00:00:00
Account creation 00:00:00
Add bank account 00:00:00
Transfer dollars 00:00:00

Course Reviews


53 ratings
  • 5 stars49
  • 4 stars3
  • 3 stars1
  • 2 stars0
  • 1 stars0
  1. Cit course


    It was an excellent course



    I am very fortunate and happy to be able to complete this course.I have learn so much about Ms word,Excel,PowerPoint,Access,Photoshop, illustrator and most of all i have learn how to improve my skill.Md Nurul Huda sir is an excellent tutor and a very helpfull person.He always promptly responded to my questions and give me advice and pointers on how to improve my future work.

  3. About This course and our Mentor


    This course is very essential . I think eshikhon is one of the best training center in Bangladesh. This course mentor is a great human being. You can learn a lot from him if you want

  4. About CIT Course


    It was an excellent course.5 star

  5. Computer+IT specialist for office work


    This CIT course is really very beneficial for those who have little knowledge about CIT. Although I have some basic knowledge about CIT, but I learnt practically how to operate Ms excel, how to prepare presentation and many other practical knowledge. I hope those practical knowledge and skill will help me in my job life. Most importantly one can easily do class online and can see any class later if he/she misses that class. And of course course instructor was very helpful and supportive. I am really grateful to eShikhon for giving such kind of opportunity of learning setting in the house.

  6. Excellent Course Excellent Instructor and Thanks to eshikhon


    This course is very excellent as well as instructor of the course is very friendly. This course helps me a lot to develop my strong basics on CIT. I am really grateful to eShikhon to create such a big opportunity to learn this important course online.

  7. About Computer & IT Specialist Course


    This course is very important for all. I have taken this online course . The course teacher was very helpful for me . I think eshikhon is one of the best computer training center in Bangladesh .
    I am really grateful to eshikhon to create such a big oppurtunity to learn this important course onlie.

  8. About the course


    It was a great course, learnt a lot of essential things about computer. Thanks to the instructor for being friendly and helpful and also thanks to eShikhon for this opportunity.

  9. Course Review


    At first I want to thank Eshikhon to bring us a wonderful learning platform.
    It’s time to talk about of this course Mentor Mr. Nurul Huda Sir. I am very glad to have such a amazing mentor like Nurul Sir. His teaching style has another flavor, any type of students can easily catch his lectures. I remember one thing in class – Sir always told us ” If anyone think you should to know in details of the topic which is included in class schedule, you can tell me with out any hesitate”
    At last I have to say one thing that is ” If you have learning attitude like me then Eshikhon is the right Direction for you”

  10. CIT N211-1


    Alhamdulilla it was great time with e shikhon. I’m from Malaysia. I’m very thankful to them. Before I start this course I have zero knowledge about computer.but now I can operate a computer. Especially this course gave me confident to do other programs.I want to thank our trainer Mr Nurul Huda sir.He is awesome. I want to continue practice his lectures. And now I prepare me for do an another online course on e shikhon.

  11. COIT-Batch-212-2


    It was an awesome feelings after finishing this training.

  12. COIT-BATCH-212-2


    Assalamualikum, My name is Sumaiya Afroze Sumi. I am a student of Patuakhai Science and Technology University. First of all, I didn’t know anything about this course. I was inspired by watching the video by my brother. Since then, it has been a kind of good work. After few days I enrolled E-shikhon. Com. It was my 1st online course. At first, I was a little scared whether I could do it or how the instructor would teach me about it. After starting the class I saw our instructor MD NURUL HUDA sir. He was very friendly. He made all the things very beautiful and easy. He is one of the best teachers i have ever met. I am really happy to have an instructor on this platform. Although I could not do a few classes due to my personal problem, as far as I have learned, Alhamdulillah. This Computer & IT Specialist course will be of great use to me in Future In- Sha -Allah. Thank you E-shikhon and also thanks MD NURUL HUDA sir for giving me the opportunity to change my life for a better purpose.

  13. 4

    আমার নাম ফকীহা। ব্যাচ N 2121 ছিল। কোর্স শেষে আমার উপলব্দি হলো বেসিক শেখার জন্য এই কোর্সটি আসলেই উপকারি।নতুন অনেক কিছু শিখতে পেরেছি যা প্র্যাকটিস করে ভবিষ্যতে আরও ভালো করতে পারব বলে আশা রাখি । ইনস্ট্রাকটর সহজ করে সব বলেন। কেউ যদি সাথে সাথে প্র্যাকটিস করে যায় এই কোর্স আপনাকে স্কিলড করবে বলে আমার ধারণা।

  14. Computer Cross


    আমি আনোয়ার হোসেন শাকিল।এই কোর্চ করে অনেক কিছু শিখলাম।আশা করি প্রেকটিস করলে আর ও ভাল ভাবে শিখতে পারবো। আমি মনে করি, প্রতিটি স্কুল-কলেজের ছাত্র-ছাত্রির এই কোর্চ করা উচিত।ইশিখনের সাথে যুক্ত থাকা সবাইকে অনেক-অনেক ধন্যবাদ।

  15. Computer + IT Specialist. COIT-N212-1


    আসসালামু আলাইকুম ওয়ারাতমাতুল্লাহ। আমি মন্জুর আহমাদ । আমার ব্যাচ নং-1407983 । প্রথমেই আমি আল্লাহ তায়ালার কাছে শুকরিয়া জ্ঞাপন করছি যে, তিনি আমাকে ইশিখনে এত সুন্দর এবং গুরুত্বপূর্ণ একটি কোর্স সম্পন্ন করার ‍সুযোগ করে দিয়েছেন। এই কোর্স থেকে আমি অনেক কিছুই শিখতে পেরেছি। যা আামাকে আমার কাজে ভবিষ্যতে আরও স্কিলড করে তুলবে, ইনশাআল্লাহ। বিশেষ করে সকল ছাত্র-ছাত্রীদের জন্য এটা খুবই গুরুত্বপূর্ণ। বিশেষভাবে ধন্যবাদ দিতে চাই কোর্স ইন্সাট্রক্টর জনাব নুরুল হুদা স্যারকে, ‍যিনি কোর্সের বিষয়গুলোকে খুবই সহজ করে শিখান। সবশেষে ইশিখনে যুক্ত সকলের কল্যাণ কামনা করছি।

  16. ধন্যবাদ ইশিখন.কম


    বিসমিল্লাহীর রাহমানীর রাহীম,
    আমি মাহফুজ আলম.আমি ব্যাচ N2121 থেকে Basic Computer It Specialist Live course করি। কম্পিউটার এর ব্যাসিক ধারনা আমার ছিল।ভাবছিলাম আমি মনেহয় ব্যাসিক কম্পিউটারের সকল বিষয় ই জানি। কিন্তু এই কোর্সে ভর্তি হওয়ার পর আমার সকল ধারনা পাল্টে গেল। আমার পূর্বের ধারনা ভূল প্রমানিত হল।আমি অনেক কিছ শিখতে পারলাম। এত শিখেছি যে বলে শেষ করতে পারবনা। ধন্যবাদ ই শিখন কে। স্পেশালি ধন্যবাদ মি. নুরুল হুদা। অত্যেন্ত ধৈর্য্য সহকারে সকল প্রশ্ন শুনতেন। এবং এর সমাদান না হওয়া পর্যন্ত ক্লাস শেষ করতেন না। এই কোর্সটি করাতে আমার অনেক উপকার হয়েছে।



    This course is very essential. I think eshikhon is one of the best training center in bangladesh. This course mentor is a great human being. You can learn a lot from him if you want
    Thank you soo much sir❤️

  18. Computer & IT Specialist for Office Work


    This online course is very beneficial for those who have little knowledge in office applications. By completing it one can upgrade own skills more. Besides, instructor is very cooperative thus you can get help in your live class.

  19. Thanks to Eshikhon


    Many Many thanks to eshikhon for gifting such a beautiful course and also many thanks to our teacher Nurul Huda Sir who has taught from our side like a friend.

  20. Thank you eShikhon.


    This CIT course is really important for those who want increase their knowledge about CIT.I have only some basic knowledge about CIT,but i learnt practically from this plarform eShikhon.This course helped me a lot to increase my basics on CIT. And last but not the least,Thanks to our instructor Md Nurul Huda Sir,who made this journey a lot more easier than i thought.For me his teaching method was flawless and detailed.Long way to go eShikhon and Md Nurul Huda Sir.

  21. Grateful to eShikhon


    It’s me Rakibul Hasan.I’m the student of eshikhon CIT batch N213-1.this a great program in online based platform.Thank you eshikhon and our honourable teacher Md Nurul Huda Sir.

  22. Thank you to eshikhon that we have got MD NURUL HUDA Sir through this course


    I am a student of Eshikhon in COIT Batch N214-1 . I didn’t know much about computer basics .I learned a lot from this course .He was very nice and cooperative. The way of his teaching was really good. I truly enjoyed his classes.

  23. Very helpfull course


    Excellent course instructor and well Course content. Am Very benefit after complete this course.
    Thanks you instructor and eshikhon team.

  24. Thank you EShikhon Team and instructor Mr. Nurul Huda.


    I was a COIT-Batch N214-1 student under instructor Mr. Nurul huda. I did not have enough knowledge about the computer application. Now, I am well known about the basic concept of using computer with different application software. I am very pleased to be his student and enjoyed lot his classes. He is a very nice and cooperative person. His teaching style is very effective to learn easily. Thank you to Eshikhon team and Mr. Nurul Huda.

  25. It was a great time with our honorable instructor MD. NURUL HUDA SIR.


    Thank you so much sir for enlighten us with so many things through this course. It was really an amazing time with you. We got to know lot of things from this course. Also thanks to eShikhon.com for providing us such a platform.

  26. Thanks to Honorable trainer Mohammad Nurul Huda and eshikhon team.


    Lot of thanks to Mohammad Nurul Huda sir and eshikhon team.Thanks to this system of online classes of eshikhon, we can easily learn about computer from different parts of the world at home. Honorable trainer Mohammad Nurul Huda sir is quite sincere and close. And eshikhon help center keeps an eye on the students all the time and give quick solution to any problem.



    Thank you so much sir for giving us all your efforts. You were really patient and understandable to us. It was a great time with you. All thanks to you that we could learn a lot of computer basics. Also thanks to eShikhon.com for creating such opportunities for us to learn about computer from home and abroad.



    ”ইশিখন.কম” ভালো একজন শিক্ষক (মোঃ নুরুল হুদা স্যার) কে দিয়েছিলেন আমাদের জন্য, যার মাধ্যমে আমি( কম্পিউটার+ আইটি স্পেশালিষ্ট)- এর অজানা অনেক কিছু শিখতে পারলাম । eShikhon.com-এ যাদের সাথে কথা হয়েছে, সবার কাছে থেকে ভালো ব্যবহার পেয়েছি । অসংখ্য ধন্যবাদ eShikhon.com কে
    দোয়া ও শুভ কামনা রইলো।

  29. COIT-N221 Course & Our Instructor Mohammad Nurul Huda


    “Practice makes a man perfect.” This Computer & IT Specialist course was really very beneficial for Me who have little knowledge about Computer Office Application. I learnt basic knowledge practically how to operate Ms excel,Ms Access,Adobe photoshop,Adobe Illustrator. How to prepare Power Point presentation and many other practical knowledge. I hope those practical knowledge and skill will help me in all sphere of my job life. Most important matter was practice.But my lack was there. The Quizes and Assignments was very effective. Course instructor Mohammad Nurul Huda’s approach, presentation and technique was very understandable, sincere, abstract, impersonal and helpful . His patience is admirable. eShikhon’s initiative is really accelerating to build up Digital Bangladesh.

  30. Thank's & Grateful to eShikhon & Md Nurul Huda sir


    Hi I’m Farha student of COIT N221-1 Batch. Md Nurul Huda sir our course teacher. He is really great as a teacher. His teaching skills makes any difficult topics easy. In every Class he teaches us patiently & also solves our problems. Through our course i also felt he is good human being. sir made this course interesting & easy for me. I’m thankful to eShikhon & Md Nurul Huda sir.

  31. Highly recommended for those not familiarized with computer.


    I completed the Computer +IT course instructed by MD Nurul Huda. He is an excellent teacher with extensive knowledge on beginners to advance IT specialist course offered by eshikhon. Being a preliminary computer user, I have learned for this course enormously lifetime useful content. Apart from daily homework and short quiz test, Live course makes me accountable and pushes me to keep-up with weekly progression.
    This course offers more than basics and prepares for professional carriers path.
    The only downside for me of this course was bad internet connection and electricity issue, There were times were class needed to be cut short for those problem. Of course Nurul Sir did make-up those course content in the following class. I will highly encourage to take this course those wants to get into workforce in professional capacity.

  32. Excellent course


    I am Mansura Akter. I have completed this Computer & IT Specialist Course.This course is very essential. I think eshikhon is one of the best training center in bangladesh. This course mentor is a great human being. You can learn a lot from him if you want
    Thank you soo much sir❤️

  33. A good teacher changes our life,and for the best


    I’m Tanjina student of COIT N222-1 Batch.
    At first I would like to thank eshikhon for gifting such a wonderful course.
    Our honourable instructor Md. Nurul Huda is an excellent mentor.I’m very lucky to have such a helpful teacher like him.His lessons were engaging,useful and he was very patient with everyone in class.Despite his calm nature,he handles all the reckless students with his attitude and maintain dicipline in the class.With his thought-provoking method the learning environment built in the class is an amazing.He better knows how to conduct lessons and make the learner pick it quickly.Whatever the discussion was,it went so smoothly.He is the best teacher I have ever got.He is not only a good teacher but also a good human being.May Allah bless him with the best of everything.
    I’m grateful to eshikhon and Md.Nurul Huda Sir🤍

  34. Md nurul huda sir & eshikhon


    I have completed computer it operator specialist course from nurul huda sir in eshikhon.eshikhon is the best training centre in bangladesh.the mentor nurul huda sir is very accelent,expert,wellbeing,honest teacher.his teaching method is suitable to expert in this course.thanks eshikhon and nurul sir for your extraordinary and well service in our course



    I completed the Computer +IT course instructed by MD Nurul Huda. He is an excellent teacher with extensive knowledge on beginners to advance IT specialist course offered by eshikhon. Being a preliminary computer user, I have learned for this course enormously lifetime useful content. Apart from daily homework and short quiz test, Live course makes me accountable and pushes me to keep-up with weekly progression.
    This course offers more than basics and prepares for professional carriers path.
    The only downside for me of this course was bad internet connection and electricity issue, There were times were class needed to be cut short for those problem. Of course Nurul Sir did make-up those course content in the following class. I will highly encourage to take this course those wants to get into workforce in professional capacity.

  36. computer and it specialist course review.


    computer and it specialist course is a very useful course. our trainer md nurul huda sir was very nice person. he taught us very well.i think we will use the course lesson in our professional life.this course is actually will help someone is office expert. thank you eshikhon.

  37. COIT- Course review


    i have completed COIT course. I have benefited a lot from the course. Hopefully i can do something better in the future. Md. Nurul Huda sir was very sincer and helpfull teacher. I am thankful to eshikhon and Md. Nurul Huda sir.



    This course is very essential. I think eshikhon is one of the best training center in Bangladesh. This course mentor is a great human being. You can learn a lot from him if you want.

  39. Computer + IT Specialist For Office Work Course Review.


    It was an excellent course & our course instructor MD Nurul Huda was very helpful.I have learned a lot by doing this course for 3 months.I am very greateful to sir.Thank you sir,thank you eShikhon.



    I have completed COIT course. I learned lot of things about IT section from this course. This course is very important for everyone. Also our course instructor MD Nurul Huda is so responsible for his students and friendly. Thank you Sir and eShikhon for providing us the best course.

  41. Excellent course and instructor Mr. MD Nurul Huda is very helpful, friendly and very nice person.



  42. Excellent Course


    It was an excellent course….Thanks Eshikhon….And also miss you sir MD. Nurul Huda.

  43. A perfect course for beginners under a sincere instructor


    A perfect course for beginners under a sincere instructor

  44. Glad to learn a lot from this course, thanks to our instructor Nurul Huda sir who made everything easy for us to understand.


    Glad to learn a lot from this course, thanks to our instructor Nurul Huda sir who made everything easy for us to understand.

  45. Best training institute


    Eshikhon.com is the best institute where you can learn all computer programmes and the digital systems of computer. The instructor is really good and friendly. His explanation is really clear. Eshikhon helps you with all our problems that your facing.

  46. Great opportunity in terms of my personal growth.


    I am Bandana Dabi student of Computer + IT Specialist for office work, Batch N232-2.
    This course has opened up a great opportunity in terms of my personal growth. I feel well-prepared to tackle the challenges of the tech industry and am excited about the future.
    Instructor Md. Nurul Huda Sir is a knowledgeable and passionate about his subject, making the learning experience engaging and enjoyable.The practical hands-on approach has allowed me to apply what i have learned in real-world scenarios, which is invaluable and i am grateful for the knowledge and skills i have acquired.

  47. The influence of a good teacher can never be erased.


    Assalamu alaikum. I’m Sanzida Afrin, student of COIT-Batch-N233-1. Thanks to allah for everything I got from eshikhon. Eshikhon, online freelancing and IT training center, is a trusted online platform. Their service is very satisfying. The curriculum of this course is well planned and it is a complete package of basic computer. Md. Nurul Huda (sir), the instructor of this course, is very polite person. He taught us every part of this course by hand. He assigned daily assignment for our practice. He resolved the issues very sincerely. I learned a lot by doing this course. It is contributed by our respected instructor. He is the most sincere and friendly teacher I have ever met. I’m blessed to have such a helpful teacher from eshikhon. May he and his family always be healthy, stay well and allah reward him best. I’m really grateful to my mentor Md. Nurul Huda (sir) and eshikhon.



    I am student of Computer + IT Specialist for office work ,batch COIT- Batch-N233-2 He explained to us by hand. He tries his best to understand us and he teaches in simple terms. I never got a teacher like him. It is a matter of luck to have a sir like our Nurul Huda sir, he teaches very well .Their service is very satisfying. The curriculum of this course is well planned and it is a complete package of basic computer. Md. Nurul Huda (sir), the instructor of this course, is very polite person. He taught us every part of this course by hand. He assigned daily assignment for our practice. He resolved the issues very sincerely. I learned a lot by doing this course. It is contributed by our respected instructor. He is the most sincere and friendly teacher I have ever met. I’m blessed to have such a helpful teacher from eshikhon. May he always be healthy, stay well and allah reward him best. I’m really grateful to my mentor Md. Nurul Huda (sir) and eshikhon. He is very talented. His computer knowledge is vast. I will be never forget teather ( Nurul Huda sir TEATER OF ESHIKHON )

  49. Computer+IT Specialist Live Course for Office work


    I am Md. Alauddin Sharif. I have been enrolled in Computer + IT Specialist for Office Work course in e-Shikhon for the past few days. I could understand from the class that professional work is taught in this institute.Thanks to eShikhon.com.Especially thanks to our Courses Instructor Md Nurul Huda sir.He is a great trainer. In a word, it is a very good institution for learning. Those who are new, interested in learning Computer and Office Work like me can come and visit this institute. Hope you like it and get good results if you get admitted.

  50. Excellent course and instructor Mr. MD Nurul Huda is very helpful and very nice person.


    Assalamu Alaikum.
    The course is Very good course . Got to know many unknown things about computer and learned a lot. The course teacher is also an experienced and helpful person. His teaching techniques are very fluent and beautiful . But overall the course is very informative and good.

  51. hello! i m Morsed. if you searching for Basic computer course this will best for you. over all i can give 75 by 100.



  52. Hello Iam Jannat jahan


    Assalamu Alaikum.
    The course is Very good course . Got to know many unknown things about computer and learned a lot. The course teacher is also an experienced and helpful person. His teaching techniques are very fluent and beautiful . But overall the course is very informative and good.


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