🎉চলছে ইশিখন স্কিল ফেস্ট অফার!! নতুন বছরে সকল অনলাইন কোর্সে চলছে ৭০% পর্যন্ত ডিসকাউন্ট!! বিস্তারিত

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Affiliate Marketing Live Course – A Beginner’s Guide to Earning Online

বর্তমান ফ্রিল্যান্সিং মার্কেটপ্লেসে সবচেয়ে বেশি এবং সহজে আয়ের উৎস হল এফেলিয়েট মার্কেটিং। শুধুমাত্র কম্পিউটার আর ইন্টারনেট এর বেসিক কাজ জেনে আর আমাদের দেওয়া ট্রিক্সগুলো ফলো করে বর্তমানে বহু তরুণ এমাজন এফিলিয়েট এর মাধ্যমে নিজের ভাগ্যকে পরিবর্তন করতে সক্ষম হয়েছেন।


  কিভাবে কোর্স অর্ডার করবেন দেখুন      কিভাবে লাইভ ক্লাস করবেন দেখুন    বিগত ব্যাচের ক্লাসসমূহ দেখুন 

কম্পিউটার না থাকলে দেশব্যাপী ইশিখন এজেন্ট সেন্টারগুলোতে গিয়েও ক্লাসে অংশ নিতে পারবেন। আমাদের দেশব্যাপী এজেন্টসমূহ দেখতে ক্লিক করুন


এফিলিয়েট মার্কেটিং হল বিভিন্ন কোম্পানির প্রোডাক্ট এর প্রোমোশন। যেমন আপনাকে কোন বন্ধু জিজ্ঞেস করলো সে একটা ল্যাপটপ কিনতে চায় কোথা থেকে কিনবে? আপনি আপনার পরিচিত কোন ভাল কম্পানি/দোকান সাজেস্ট করলেন। আপনার বন্ধু ওই দোকান থেকে ল্যাপটপটা কিনল। এর বিনিময়ে খুশি হয়ে কোম্পানি আপনাকে কিছু সম্মানি দিল। এফিলিয়েট মার্কেটিংও এটাই। অ্যামাজন, ইবে, আলীবাবাসহ বিভিন্ন বড় বড় ই-কমার্স সাইট কিংবা বিভিন্ন ডোমেইন হোস্টিংসহ বড় বড় সাইটগুলো নিজেদের কোম্পানি প্রচার এবং প্রসার এর জন্য এফিলিয়েট করে থাকে। প্রতিটি প্রোডাক্ট আপনার দেওয়া রেফেরেন্স এ ক্লিক করে কেউ ক্রয় করলে আপনি একটা কমিশন পাবেন। আপনি যদি ২০০টা প্রোডাক্টও রিকমেন্ড করেন, সেখান থেকে প্রতিদিন যদি ১০টা প্রোডাক্ট সেল হয়। প্রতি প্রোডাক্ট থেকে আপনি যদি ৫ ডলারও কমিশন পান, তাহলে প্রতিদিন ৫০ ডলার বা ৪,০০০ টাকা।

ইশিখনের অ্যামাজন এফিলিয়েট মার্কেটিং দেখানো হবে, যেখানে আপনি কিভাবে উক্ত প্রোডাক্টগুলো গ্রাহকের কাছে গুণগান তুলে ধরবেন এবং গ্রাহক সেটা কিনতে উৎসাহিত হবে।

বিশ্বজুড়ে এখন ছোট বড় প্রায় সব কোম্পানীই তাদের প্রোডাক্ট সেলের জন্য এফিলিয়েট মার্কেটারদের ওপর নির্ভরশীল। আর এফিলিয়েট মার্কেটার এবং কোম্পানীদের সঙ্গে সেতুবন্ধনের কাজটি করে দেয় অ্যামাজন, ইবে, ক্লিক ব্যাংকের মত বিশ্ব বিখ্যাত এফিলিয়েট প্রোগ্রামগুলো।

সম্পূর্ণ কোর্স কারিকুলাম দেখতে নিচে স্ক্রোল(Scroll) করুন।

যারা এফিলিয়েট মার্কেটার হিসেবে ক্যারিয়ার গড়তে চান।
অনলাইন উদ্যোক্তা হতে চান।
যারা পড়াশুনার পাশাপাশি পার্টটাইম কিছু করে পড়াশুনা চালিয়ে নিতে চান

What is Affiliate Marketing Overview
Digital Product Affiliate Marketing & Niche Marketing
Affiliate Network & Site Setup
KGR Keyword Research & Content Research
SEO (On Page + Off Page) – Traffic Generation
PPC/Search Engine Marketing & Email Marketing
SMM – Social Media Marketing (Facebook, Instagram & Pinterest)

Freelancing Marketplace (Fiverr, Upwork, Freelancer & Payment Method)

Affiliate Marketing কোর্সটি শুরু করার পূর্বে অন্য কোন বিষয়ের উপর ধারনা থাকার প্রয়োজন নেই, তবে অবশ্যই কম্পিউটার এবং ইন্টারনেট পরিচালনায় কিছুটা দক্ষ হতে হবে।
ইন্টারনেট কানেকশসহ একটি কম্পিউটার
একটি হেডফোন (ল্যাপটপ হলে হেডফোন আবশ্যক নয়।

CPU: Intel core i3 Or Dual Core or AMDryzen 3
Motherboard: Supports 32GB or more ram and SATA 3.0 and 2TB-4TB HD
Ram: 4GB
SSD: 128 GB
Hard Disk: 500GB/1TB

লাইভ ক্লাস মিস করলে পরের দিন কোর্সের ভেতর উক্ত ক্লাসের ভিডিও রেকর্ডিং ও আলোচিত ফাইল সমূহ পাবেন।
কোর্স শেষেও লাইফ টাইম সাপোর্ট। যতদিন না আপনি কাজ পাচ্ছেন ততদিন এক্সপার্ট ফ্রিল্যান্সার দ্বারা তত্ত্বাবধান। ক্লাসের বাইরেও রয়েছে লাইভ সাপোর্ট, ফোন, ফেসবুক এবং মেসেঞ্জার গ্রুপ সাপোর্ট।
প্রতিটি ক্লাসের প্রথম ১৫ মিনিট আগের ক্লাসের সমস্যাগুলো সমাধান হবে, পরের ১ ঘন্টা মূল ক্লাস শেষ ১৫ মিনিট প্রশ্নোত্তর পর্ব।
প্রতিটি ক্লাসে রয়েছে মডেল টেস্ট এবং এসাইনমেন্ট ।
কোর্স শেষে আপওয়ার্ক, ফাইভার, ফ্রিল্যান্সারসহ বিভিন্ন মার্কেটপ্লেসের উপর স্পেশাল ফ্রিল্যান্সিং ক্লাস। তাছাড়াও রয়েছে রিভিউ/প্রবলেম সলভিং ক্লাসসমূহ।
কোর্স শেষে অনলাইন ভেরিফায়েড সার্টিফিকেট।
কোর্স শেষে ফ্রি এবং পেইড ইন্টার্ণশিপ করার সুযোগ ।

কোর্স শেষে amazon.com, alibaba.com, ebay.com সহ বিভিন্ন এফিলিয়েট মার্কেট থেকে অধিক আয়ের সুযোগ।

Course Batches

  • Group logo of AFMA-Batch-N241-2


    AFMA-Batch-N241-2 (Sun-Tue-Thu) 10:00 PM Start Date: Sunday, April 28, 2024

    April 28, 2024
    Enroll Now ›
  • Group logo of AFMA-Batch-N243-1


    AFMA-Batch-N243-1 (Sat-Mon-Wed) 10:00 PM Start Date: Monday, January 13, 2025

    January 13, 2025
    22:00 - 23:30
    1 Days
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    Enroll Now ›
  • Group logo of AFMA-Batch-D243-1


    AFMA-Batch-D243-1 (Sun-Tue-Thu) 3:00 PM Start Date: Thursday, January 16, 2025

    January 16, 2025
    15:00 - 16:30
    1 Days
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Course Curriculum

Class 1: Introduction
A brief overview of our course journey. 00:00:00
What is affiliate marketing? 00:00:00
Different types of Affiliate Marketing 00:00:00
Class 2: Getting Started
How we will start… 00:00:00
What we need to get started 00:00:00
How to earn money 00:00:00
What is a niche marketing? 00:00:00
Class 3: Amazon Affiliate Marketing & Digital Product Affilaite Marketing
The requirement for amazon affiliate marketing 00:00:00
The mindset and goal 00:00:00
How to choose a product to promote 00:00:00
Class 4: Different chanel of sellaing affiliate products
Different types of ways to promote affiliate products. 00:00:00
SEO Vs PPC Vs Email Marketing 00:00:00
Understanding why amazon and SEO are the best way to ensure ROI. 00:00:00
Affiliate Site Setup Site Setup
Wordpres Basics 00:00:00
Basic Site Design 00:00:00
How to publish post 00:00:00
How to publish Pages 00:00:00
What is Heading tag 00:00:00
How to design your content 00:00:00
Class 6: SEO Basics for Amazon Affiliate Marketing
What is SEO? 00:00:00
How does it work? 00:00:00
Types Of SEO 00:00:00
How do we rank a webpage and website? 00:00:00
Class 7: Understanding Basic SEO Terms
The basic seo Terms and acronyms 00:00:00
On page and off page seo 00:00:00
Understanding the two pillar of ranking 00:00:00
Class 8: Keyword Research Part One
What is the keyword? 00:00:00
The types of keywords we will work with? 00:00:00
How to find keyword from scratch 00:00:00
Class 9: Low Competitive Keyword Research
The Practical Class for finding and choosing keywords 00:00:00
We will use some free tools and paid tools during this process. 00:00:00
Class 10: KGR Keyword Research
What is it? 00:00:00
How to find KGR? 00:00:00
Class 11: Recap Of Keyword Research & SEO Tools
Q/A 00:00:00
CLass 12: Planing Fof Content
Why content the king or queen? 00:00:00
How to create a content plan? 00:00:00
What keywords and how many keywords to target? 00:00:00
Relevant Keyword Research for Content Planning 00:00:00
Content Planning tools 00:00:00
Class 13: SEO Recap
Q/A or live project 00:00:00
Class 14: SEO Plugin Setup
How to setup Yoast 00:00:00
How to setup Rankmath 00:00:00
Class 15: On Page SEO
What is it? 00:00:00
Google’s Algorithm and Guideline 00:00:00
Why to do on page seo 00:00:00
On Page Ranking Factors 00:00:00
Class 16: On Page SEO
On Page Ranking Factors 00:00:00
Things and terms that we need to know? 00:00:00
Class 17: Recap on On Page Optimization
Question answer session 00:00:00
I will be taking any type of question regarding on page optimization 00:00:00
Class 18: Content Writing
Amazon’s Rules on Writing Product Review 00:00:00
The basic of content writing 00:00:00
Review Content 00:00:00
Content writing tools 00:00:00
Class 19: Recap On Content Writing and Planning
Question answer session 00:00:00
Class 20: Off Page Optimization
What is it? 00:00:00
Why do we need it? 00:00:00
Google’s algorithms on off page optimization 00:00:00
Class 21: Foundation Link Building
Basic Link Building 00:00:00
Comment 00:00:00
Forum 00:00:00
Q&A and more 00:00:00
Class 22: Advance Link Building
Guest Post 00:00:00
Broken link building 00:00:00
Class 23: Recap On Link Building
Question answer session 00:00:00
Class 24: Social Media Marketing
Using social media for driving traffic 00:00:00
Facebook 00:00:00
Twitter 00:00:00
Class 25: Social Media Marketing
Pinterest 00:00:00
Instagram 00:00:00
How to sell your affiliate product using social media? 00:00:00
Class 26: Amazon Account Creation and Guidelines
How to create and set up your account? 00:00:00
How to add product images and affiliate buttons? 00:00:00
Class: 27: Special Gift from your Mentor
Course Review Class
Course Review Class:01 00:00:00
Course Review Class:02 00:00:00
Introduction of Fiverr 00:00:00
Fiverr rules and regulations 00:00:00
How to create account? 00:00:00
How to setup profile? 00:00:00
Levels of Fiverr 00:00:00
How to create gig? 00:00:00
Proper SEO of Gig 00:00:00
Image and video optimization 00:00:00
Skill Test 00:00:00
Gig Marketing (Organic and paid) 00:00:00
Order delivery system 00:00:00
Positive links and negetive words in Fiverr 00:00:00
Warning issues 00:00:00
Payment system 00:00:00
Introduction of upwork.com 00:00:00
How to sign up? 00:00:00
How to get Upwork profile approved? 00:00:00
How to verify yourself on upwork.com? 00:00:00
How to get payment method verified? 00:00:00
How to setup 100% profile? 00:00:00
How to write cover letter? 00:00:00
Connects 00:00:00
How to bid? 00:00:00
How to create project or catalogue 00:00:00
How you can justify buyer? 00:00:00
Order and delivery 00:00:00
Top-Rated Freelancer or Rising Talent? 00:00:00
Local Job Opportunities
Introduction to Bangladeshi Local Job Sites 00:00:00
Creating an Effective Profile 00:00:00
Job Searching and Bidding 00:00:00
Networking and Client Communication 00:00:00
Client searching through social media (facebook, Linkedin) 00:00:00
Showcasing Local Expertise and Cultural Sensitivity 00:00:00
Payment System
Signing up 00:00:00
Account creation 00:00:00
payoneer account open 00:00:00
Account verify 00:00:00
Address Verificiation 00:00:00
Setting up the full payoneer account 00:00:00
Add bank account or other payment method 00:00:00
Transfer dollars 00:00:00
Add bkash account to payoneer 00:00:00
Per day limit 00:00:00
Transaction method 00:00:00
bKash Charges and fees 00:00:00
Bank Account
Payment policies 00:00:00
Minimum and maximum Transection 00:00:00
Currency selection 00:00:00

Course Reviews


30 ratings
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  1. 5

    i am happy , because i have learned more and learning……

  2. Don't Look At How Cheap costly this Course, Look At Our Reviews. Why Don't You Try This Course!!!???


    I’m a student of AFM Batch-173-2. In Dhaka you will found many farms and institutions for teaching affiliate marketing, but there you can’t learn. You will waste your a large amount of money,time, energy and so on, they will never support you after their course.But Firojul Islam Sir is a person who teaches us how to success in this field . He also help us personally. It is my personally experience that I waste more then $500 to learn affiliate marketing in farm. But here I spend only 520 Taka , now I am able to make my happy journey in affiliate marketing.

  3. 5

    I am very fortunate and happy to be able to complete this course. I’ve learnt so much about the affiliate marketing and most of all I’ve learnt how to improve my skill. Mr. Firojul Islam is an excellent tutor and a great help for all the questions I had regarding the course content, no matter how simple and irrelevant I deemed my questions to be. He always promptly responded to my questions and gave me advice and pointers on how to improve my future work.

  4. 5

    A excellent course with the instructor.

  5. Good


    A good Teacher, A good Syllabus and a good learning institute can make good students. I specially appreciate our AFM teacher, Mr. Firojul Islam. He helped us a lot to understand everything about Affiliated marketing. May God bless Esikhon and Firojul islam Bhai.

  6. Affiliate Marketing


    I was very happy to be able to complete this course. I have learn so much about affiliate marketing and how to improve my skill. Mr. Firojul Islam was an excellent tutor and a great help for all the questions. I had regarding the course content, no matter how simple and irrelevant I deemed my questions to be. He always promptly responded to my questions and gave me advice and pointers on how to improve my skill.

  7. 5

    I’m honored to be a member of affiliate marketing 173-3 batch. As a student, I learned a lot about affiliate marketing and all credit goes to Firojul Islam vai & eshikhon.com. Finally, I wish for the success of Firojul Islam vai & eshikhon.com.

  8. AFM 173-3 (Affiliate Marketing - A Beginner's Guide to Earning Online)


    First of all thanks to Almighty Allah.
    I want to say thanks to eshikhon.com to give us this opportunity to learn this course in this way I mean in online. On other hand expenses is too low, which can be say nothing. I hope eshikhon.com will continue this process for them who want to learn & earn from online.
    There is nothing to say about our trainer (Firojul Islam). As my knowledge he is the best. I got every support from him till now. Almighty will give more valuable rewards to him & eshikhon.com also.

  9. 5

    Thanks Firoj bhai…..I learned more than I thought

  10. 5

    I am a student of AFM Batch-173-1. Excellent course thank you Firojul Islam Sir. I’m really grateful to you I learned a lot of things, which is helpful for me …

  11. Very Good


    He is very kind men i ever seen…!!

  12. I'm so lucky cause i got a mentor like Firojul Islam bhi!!


    Dear fellow learner & friends I’d like to strongly re-command that, who are really serious about online career or affiliate marketing and really wanna make some good bucket of money from online & try to change their living stander or try to financially help their family with very very little investment!!! This is the right place for you! For start a new adventurous journey!! Cause In Dhaka or other district in Bangladesh you will find plenty of coaching center!! Who are promise their student, make them smart freelancer or affiliate marketer!!! but end of the course those students found themselves investing 20 thousand to 25 thousands money only good for nothing!!! Which are totally terrible waste of time, money & energy ! Actually those type of BLA.. BLAA..BLAA.. coaching center are too busy to bluffing and robbing your money!! nothing else!! Cause some of my friends & cousin victim of those coaching!! But do you talk about my-self? I’d like to say, “I’m highly benefited from {Firjul Islam Bhi course}!! cause at the beginning i don’t have a single ounce of knowledge about affiliate marketing course but at the end of this course i learned many trick and tips about affiliate marketing, how to niche selection & how boost huge amount of traffic and many more hidden tricks! Which make me very confident about my affiliate marketing career! & One more thing you will got from { Firojul Islam Bhi} he will given you support after finishing course! Which are totally different and amazing! So what you wanna do? It’s totally depend up to you! But before take decision! “Think twice ” & Remember “The secret of Success ! it’s getting started! And at the end I’d like to huge thank to { Firojul Islam Bhi} & eshikhon who make this amazing platform! where i invest only 700 bdt!

  13. Way to SUCCESS


    I’ve collected many courses and watched a lot of videos but I earn and and learn not much. Through this Affiliate Marketing course, i’ve found all under an umbrella . I’ve learn the secrets of affiliate marketing… The instructor , Firojul Islam viya is a well known one. He teaches us very well and many secret methods. Specifically he answered all of our questions and always deals with the situations which we have faced in our workplaces. The best thing of this course is supporting . This course supports us in all the challenges which we face during our work.
    Thanks to Firojul Islam,
    Thanks a lot to e-Shikhon……..

  14. Firoj Sir Class Review


    I found him ” A good teacher ” also a good friend who try to solved student’s problem by heart.
    Thanks Eshikhon to introduce Teacher like Firoj Sir.

  15. Affiliate Marketing


    I wish to learn Affiliate Marketing last year but where I can’t decide. Finally I got a scope to learn Affiliate Marketing at https://eshikhon.com. First time I was little bit upset & confuse for changing class schedule 2/3 times. But when our honorable course instructor Mr. Firojul Islam starting class my mind was totally changed and I realized that he the best Instructor for us to learn. He always tries to provide us better maximum. Complex equitation of Affiliate marketing he provides us like a orange Juice. I honored to be a part of e-shikhon. Thanks e-shikhon to provide us a good Instructor Mr. Firojul Islam.

  16. Nice Meeting You Sir, Mr. Firojul Islam


    The course teacher is very helpful and responsive to the student. He has been trying to get feedback from all students who remain present in the class, to ensure whether or not they can grasp the lesson. The lecture is clear and easy to understand.

  17. Affiliate Marketing - A Beginner's Guide to Earning Online



    At first I want to thanks Eshikhon for create a wonderful platform for us. And the instructor FIROJUL ISLAM vaia is a wonderful and very helpful instructor. He tried to guide all the section of affiliate marketing. I learned a lot from him. Live class is very interactive and easy to understand.

    Finally, I’m happy about the course but need to update or modified course content.

    BR/ Md. Ariful Haque



    A excellent course with the instructor.

  19. Good Teacher


    I am a student of AFM Batch-173-3. Excellent course thank you Firojul Islam Sir. I’m really grateful to you I learned a lot of things, which is helpful for me

  20. I'm so lucky cause i got a mentor like Affiliate Marketing - A Beginner's Guide to Earning Online in my course named Affiliate Marketing - A Beginner's Guide to Earning Online.


    First I thank https://eshikon.com for arranging free online teaching program in Bangladesh and gives us a very much skilled , co-operative, kind , friendly mentor. His strategic management was very attractive. One example is , when some of our batch’s student again and again share ( screen video )zoom video , re -start audio noise, or asking chat message ,our teacher control us very nicely ,because his strategic management was very much client oriented. I love this teacher because ,his capability and competence was excellent as soon as he was too much helpful. I wish eshikhon.com will recruit this types of skilled, friendly, helpful, genius, talent, candid and cheerful trainer in this arena. expect , eshikhon.com will be a dominated website in Bangladesh and one of the best online school in world in future. Thank you again for creating human resource development platform in online.
    I am totally happy with you all and want to do more course here.

  21. 5

    Mr. Firojul Islam is one of the best instructor in this business. He is detail oriented and always helpful. You will get updated information in best approach and learn things simply & smartly from him.

  22. AFM_course(173-2)



  23. Full of satisfaction


    Thanks to eshikhon. & Firojul Islam bhai is good teacher. He also helping us Practically with technical support .

  24. Affiliate marketing course for beginner


    First of all, I would like to thank eshikhon and teacher Mr. Lutfar Rahman. I personally have learned a lot from this course but those who come to do the course need to have a basic idea of digital marketing. No more to say, thank you all for the prospect of a better life.

  25. Course Revieew


    Nice Class and teacher training

  26. Good Experience


    Motamuti valo experience


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