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ব্যাংক জব নিয়োগ পরীক্ষা ইংরেজি Tense

Past tense (অতীত কাল)
১. Past indefinite tense: অতীত কালে কোনো কাজ সাধারণভাবে হয়েছিল এরূপ বোঝালে verb-এর past indefinite tense হয়।
গঠন প্রণালি: Subject-এর পর মূল verb-এর past form ব্যবহৃত  হয়।


Here is how to form the past simple tense in English.

Structure of past simple
positive negative question
I arrived yesterday.
You arrived yesterday.
He/she/it arrived.
We arrived.
They arrived.
I didn’t (did not) arrive.
You didn’t (did not) arrive.
He/she/it didn’t arrive.
We didn’t arrive.
They didn’t arrive.
Did I arrive yesterday?
Did you arrive?
Did he/she/it arrive?
Did we arrive?
Did they arrive?


Past simple – common mistakes
Common mistakes Correct version Why?
I was work in London. I worked in London. In positive sentences, a helping verb such as ‘was’ or ‘did’ is not used.
He worked in London? Did he work in London? The helping verb ‘did’ is used in past simple questions.
Worked he in London? Did he work in London? The helping verb ‘did’ is used in past simple questions.
Did he wrote a letter? Did he write a letter? The main verb is used in the infinitive form in questions and negatives.
He didn’t wrote a letter. He didn’t write a letter. The main verb is used in the infinitive form in questions and negatives.রি

এই লেকচারের পরের পেইজে যেতে নিচের …. তে ক্লিক কর।

পরের পাতাসমুহ >>

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