1. Morph: পরিবর্তন হওয়া:
(cause to change shape in a computer animation)
Example sentence from the Editorial:
Physical punishment of the kids can morph into violent adolescent behaviour; the victims may even take to criminal behaviour in the future.
2. Toddler: যে শিশু একপা দুপা হাটতে শিখেছে
(a young child)
Example sentence from the Editorial:
Around 73.6 percent of three to four-year-old toddlers fall victim to physical punishment at home.
3. Hackneyed:অতি প্রচলিত
(repeated too often; overfamiliar through overuse)
Example sentence from the Editorial:
Rather than being persuasive with words, many parents still tend to employ the hackneyed adage,’Spare the rod, spoil the child’.
4. Stamp out: উচ্ছেদ করা
(end or extinguish by forceful means)
Example sentence from the Editorial:
How are we going to stamp out corporal punishment from educational institutes if at home it is in vogue in one form or the other?
5. Adage: প্রবচন
(a condensed but memorable saying embodying an important fact)
Example sentence from the Editorial:
Rather than being persuasive with words, many parents still tend to employ the hackneyed adage,’Spare the rod, spoil the child’.
6. Authenticate: (খাঁটি বলে) প্রমাণ করা
(establish the undisputed credibility of something)
Example sentence from the Editorial:
Further research is needed to authenticate the findings on a national scale.
7. Norm: আদর্শ
(a standard or model or pattern regarded as typical)
Example sentence from the Editorial:
Being based on UNICEF-assisted Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey (MICS) carried out by the Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics, the revelations are as authentic as they are instructive in terms of behavioural norms.
8. Supposedly: তদনুসারে
(believed or reputed to be the case)
Example sentence from the Editorial:
‘Child disciplining’ involves making the children attentive to studies, their taking meals on time and complying with other parental instructions supposedly for the good of the wards.
9. Adolescent: কিশোর
(a juvenile between the onset of puberty and maturity)
Example sentence from the Editorial:
Physical punishment of the kids can morph into violent adolescent behaviour; the victims may even take to criminal behaviour in the future.
10. Persuasive: প্ররোচনায় সমর্থ
(intended or having the power to induce action or belief)
Example sentence from the Editorial:
Rather than being persuasive with words, many parents still tend to employ the hackneyed adage,’Spare the rod, spoil the child’.
11. Vogue: চলন
(a current state of general acceptance and use)
Example sentence from the Editorial:
How are we going to stamp out corporal punishment from educational institutes if at home it is in vogue in one form or the other?
12. Corporal: দৈহিক
(affecting the body as opposed to the mind or spirit)
Example sentence from the Editorial:
How are we going to stamp out corporal punishment from educational institutes if at home it is in vogue in one form or the other?
13. Impart: প্রোথিত করা
(bestow a quality on)
Example sentence from the Editorial:
Equally, if not more, worrying is the finding that 74.4 percent of the children are imparted discipline by exerting mental pressure on them.
14. Exert: প্রয়োগ করা
(put to use)
Example sentence from the Editorial:
Equally, if not more, worrying is the finding that 74.4 percent of the children are imparted discipline by exerting mental pressure on them.
15. Convention: সমঝোতা
(the act of meeting formally)
Example sentence from the Editorial:
However, a serious issue has been flagged off and as a signatory to the international child rights conventions we have to discourage all kinds of child unfriendly attitudes and practices.
16. Violent: হিংস্র/প্রচন্ড
(acting with great force or energy or emotional intensity)
Example sentence from the Editorial:
Physical punishment of the kids can morph into violent adolescent behaviour; the victims may even take to criminal behaviour in the future.
17. Tend: প্রবণতা, ঝোঁক
(have a disposition to do or be something; be inclined)
Example sentence from the Editorial:
Rather than being persuasive with words, many parents still tend to employ the hackneyed adage,’Spare the rod, spoil the child’.
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