1.Significant ( তাৎপর্যপূর্ণ) :Important, noteworthy
2.participate ( অংশগ্রহণ): Take part
3.Statesman ( রাজনীতিজ্ঞ ব্যাক্তি) : A person who exhibits great wisdom and ability in dealing the affair of a government or dealing with important public issue
4.Plethora ( প্রাচুর্য) : plenty, profusion, glut, surplus, excess, deluge
5.Sustainable (সহনীয/ টেকসই়) : Capable of being supported or upheld.
able to be supported as with the basic necessity or sufficient fund.
6.Eloquence ( বাগ্মিতা) : articulation, fluency, gift of gab.
7.On several count ( অনেকগুলো প্রেক্ষিতে)
8.make ones present felt( অন্য লোক বা পরিস্থিতির উপর জোর প্রভাব থাকা) : To have a strong effect on other people or a situation.
9.Leaving aside ( বাদ দিয়ে) : Exclusive of, Debarring, Excluding, Omitting
10. Recognition( পরিচিতি) Identification, acknowledgement
11. Accolade ( উচ্চ প্রশংসা) : Strong praise, kudos
12. Continue To stress ( চাপ অব্যাহত রাখা)
13. Stature ( যোগ্যতা/ গুরুত্ব) : Ability, Capacity, caliber, importance, capacity
14. Addressing( মন্তব্য করা, নির্দেশ করা)
15.Measure ( পরিমাপ, পদক্ষেপ)
16. Hesitation ( দ্বিধা) : Doubt, Oscillation, vacillation, Wavering
17. Prospect ( ভবিষ্যত এর আশা) : Anticipation, Out look for future, Hope,
এবার পড়ি
(( Prime Minister at the UN From a leader to a statesman))
We say with pride that among all the heads of states and governments who participated in the 70th anniversary of the United Nations (UN), Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina’s role was significant on several counts. From a plethora of important issues such as sustainable development goals to the UN peace keeping mission to global terrorism, she spoke with eloquence and made her presence felt. Leaving aside the two awards she got, her participation is a recognition of her long, constructive and active role in addressing global issues like child rights, development of LDCs, etc. She has made a place for herself and earned Bangladesh the status of a country whose achievements are internationally recognised. After Bangabandhu, she is by far the most internationally recognised political leader from Bangladesh. We congratulate the prime minister for receiving the “ICT Sustainable Development Award” and the highest environmental accolade of the United Nations Environmental Programme (Unep), the “Champions of the Earth”. While we will continue to stress the need for more democratic space, good governance, stronger anti-corruption measures and genuine press freedom, we have no hesitation in saying that this trip raises Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina from the stature of a leader of a developing country to a statesman in the world stage. This is of particular import considering the fact that a few decades ago the country was seen more as a problem than as a place with bright prospects. We congratulate her on her achievements, which are not hers alone but also of Bangladesh’s.
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