১৩/০১/১৬ এর The Daily star এর কিছু গুরুত্বপূর্ন শব্দ
1.rent( ভাড়া, খাজনা): hire charge, fee cost
2.isolated( বিচ্ছিন্ন) : remote, out of the way, single, lone, solitary, anomalous
3.cohorts( একদল লোক) : a number of persons blended together, group, unit, outfit
4.chilling ( অত্যন্ত বিরক্তিকর ও ভীতিকর) : bitter, bleak,
5.upholders( সমর্থক, পৃষ্ঠপোষক) : supporter, defender
6.tip of the iceberg ( বড় ধরনের কোন সমস্যার সামান্য প্রমান/ নিদর্শণ) Superficial evidence of a much larger problem
7.errant( বিপথগামী) : deviating from the regular or proper course; erring; straying
8.extort ( বল প্রয়োগ ও ভীতি প্রদর্শন এর মাধ্যমে জোর করে আদায় করা,) demand, blackmail, cheat
9.allegations( অভিযোগ): assertion placing blame, accusation
10. imposed( আরোপ) : intrude, defraud
11.dire(ভীতিকর, দুর্দশাগ্রস্ত):terrible, ominous, cruel, deplorable
12. consequences( ফলাফল) : aftermath, effect, result of something occurring earlier
13.ordeal ( এমন অভিজ্ঞতা যেটি খুব অস্বস্তিকর অথবা কঠিন): an experience that is very unpleasant or difficult, a primitive means used to determine guilt or innocence by submitting the accused to dangerous or painful tests believed to be under supernatural control
14. shudder( আলোড়ন, কাপুনি) :agitate,
15. urge( তাড়া দেয়া, প্রেরনা)
16. disgrace( লাঞ্ছনা, অসম্মান,অপদস্থ, হেনস্তা) : Abase,debase humiliate
17.graver( খোদাইকারি)
এবার পড়ি
A rent seeking policeman!
This is not an isolated case
The horrific experience of an assistant director of the central bank, picked up by a sub-inspector and his cohorts and tortured inside a police vehicle, is a chilling example of what can happen when upholders of the law become lawbreakers. The victim was beaten up and threatened with a false drug case and death by ‘crossfire’.
What is more frightening is that this incident is only the tip of the iceberg – we suspect there may be many such stories of errant policemen extorting money from ordinary citizens. Allegations of false cases being imposed on ordinary citizens and threats of dire consequences by lawless law enforcers have been frequent in recent times with only a few of them being punished for their crimes. The banker’s ordeal became a news story possibly because he was a high ranking public official and the publicity of the incident in social media. We shudder to think what the fate of those who do not have the same status could be. According to a the news reports, an eyewitness has related how a young man had recently been picked up by police in their van from the same area and later released after paying a TK 1,500 bribe.
We urge the police authorities to carry out a quick, thorough investigation into this incident and make sure that the policeman, who has disgraced his uniform and organisation he works for, is punished according to the law of the land. It is graver when the keepers of the law break the law than when criminals do so
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