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০৫/০৫/২০১৬ তারিখের The Daily star Editorial

প্রথমে গুরুত্বপুর্ণ শব্দগুলো পড়ি:

1) Devise( উদ্ভাবন করা, পরিকল্পনা করা) : invent, think up, plan
2)extremism( চরমপন্থা)
3)spiked up( মাথাচাড়া দিয়ে ওঠা, দ্রুত বৃদ্ধি পাওয়া) an abrupt increase or rise
5)thwart( ব্যাহত, ব্যার্থ, ব্যাঘাত) : impede, frustrate, hamper, elude
6)like to know( জানতে চাই)
7)coherent( সুসঙ্গত, সম্মিলিত)
8)counter-extremism( চরমপন্থি – বিরোধী)
9) strategy( পরিকল্পনা, কৌশল)
10)follow-up(ফলোআপ, কোন কিছু শুরু হয়েছে বা হয়ে গেছে তা চালিয়ে যাওয়া বা পুনরায় করা, পুর্ববর্তী কাজকে আরো উন্নতত করার জন্য করা কার্যক্রম)a continuation or repetition of something that has already been started or done, in particular.
an activity carried out as part of a study in order to monitor or further develop earlier work.
11)verdict( রায়) : judgement, decision,
12)secular( ধর্মনিরপেক্ষ)
13)carried out( পরিচালনা করা)
14)spearheading( নেতৃত্ব)
15)emboldened( সাহসী করা, উৎসাহিত করা) : Encourage, exhort, foster
16)fast-track(লক্ষ্য অর্জনের জন্য কার্যক্রম দ্রুত করা) to speed up the processing, production, or construction of in order to meet a goal
17)exponential( খুব দ্রুত) : very rapid
18)take cognizance( বিবেচনায় নেয়া) : acknowledgement, acceptance,
19)credible( বিশ্বাসযোগ্য) : reputable, feasible
20)apprehended( আটককৃত) : Seized, arrested


Terror attacks on the rise
Devise means to combat extremism

According to the IG police, terror attacks have spiked up in recent years. While the figure is worrying we would have liked to know what is being done to thwart the attacks. One of the reasons for the rise in incidents of terror violence, apart from a lack of a coherent counter-extremism strategy, is the trial of, and follow-up operation against, the extremists.

Why is it that only one verdict has been passed and charge-sheets in five other cases only have been filed on some 37 attacks on secular bloggers, writers and others since 2013? The attacks have been carried out mostly by home-grown terror outfits which are spearheading extremist operations in Bangladesh. They are a clear danger to the secular outlook that defines the country and a threat to free thinking in general. The response from the police that they are taking action and that is the reason more attacks are not happening is just one side of the story.

We are failing to take note of the fact that there have been 9 attacks in the first 4 months of 2016 compared to a total of 3 in the whole of 2015. It is a clear indication that extremists are more emboldened than before. Our failure to fast-track cases against terrorist attacks is perhaps one of the reasons why such attacks are increasing at an exponential rate. It is time to take cognizance of the fact that we have a credible threat to the country in the form of extremists. And one of the ways to frustrate their efforts would be to speed up the trial process of those apprehended by law enforcing agencies.


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