ব্যাংক জব নিয়োগ পরীক্ষা ইংরেজি Degree of Comparison
Adjective শব্দ বা Adverb শব্দের মাঝে তুলনা করাকে Comparison of Degree বলা হয়ে থাকে.
*Degrees of Comparison are applicable only to Adjectives and Adverbs*
*Nouns and verbs do not have degrees of comparisons*
Degrees of Comparison are used when we compare one person or one thing with another.
মোট ৩ প্রকার degrees রয়েছেঃ
#Positive Degree- (no comparison -কোন তুলনা হবেনা)
#Comparative Degree- (comparison between two persons or objects-দুইজনের বা দুটি বিষয়ের মধ্যে তুলনা হবে)
#Superlative Degree- (comparison among several persons or objects-অনেক ব্যক্তি বা বস্তুর মধ্যে তুলনা হবে)
Let us see all of them one by one.
1.Positive degree:
When we speak about only one person or thing, We use the Positive degree.
This house is big.
In this sentence only one noun “The house” is talked about.
He is a tall student.
This flower is beautiful.
He is an intelligent boy.
Each sentence mentioned above talks about only one noun.
The second one in the Degrees of Comparison is…
2.Comparative degree.
When we compare two persons or two things with each other, We use both the Positive degree and Comparative degree.
a.This house is bigger than that one. (Comparative degree)
This house is not as big as that one. (Positive degree)
The term “bigger” is comparative version of the term “big”.
Both these sentences convey the same meaning.
b.This flower is more beautiful than that. (Comparative)
This flower is not as beautiful as that. (Positive)
The term “more beautiful” is comparative version of the term “beautiful”.
Both these sentences convey the same meaning.
c. He is more intelligent than this boy. (Comparative)
He is not as intelligent as this boy. (Positive)
The term “more intelligent” is comparative version of the term “intelligent”.
Both these sentences convey the same meaning.
d.He is taller than Mr. Hulas. (Comparative)
He is not as tall as Mr. Hulas. (Positive)
The term “taller” is comparative version of the term “tall”.
Both these sentences convey the same meaning.
3.Superlative Degree
The Superlative Degree denotes the existence of the highest degree of the quality. It is used when more than two things are compared.
This is the tallest building.
Apple is the sweetest fruit.
The Superlative Degree is used when more than two nouns or things are compared.
Johnsy is kind (Positive Degree)
Johnsy is kinder than Rosy (Comparative Degree)
Johnsy is the kindest of all (Superlative Degree)
When we compare more than two persons or things with one another,
#This is the biggest house in this street. (Superlative)
This house is bigger than any other house in this street. (Comparative)
No other house in this street is as big as this one. (Positive)
The term “biggest” is the superlative version of the term “big”.
All the three sentences mean the same meaning.
এই লেকচারের পরের পেইজে যেতে নিচের …. তে ক্লিক কর।
পরের পাতাসমুহ >>
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