ইংরেজী সাহিত্য ( বই এবং লেখক )
1) David Copperfield-Charles Dickens
2)Hamlet-William Shakespeare
3)The Rime of the Ancient Mariner-Samuel Taylor Coleridge
4)Das Capital-Karl Mark
5)Animal Farm-George Orwell
7)Tempest-William Shakespeare
8)Main Kemp-Ad loaf Hitler
9)Mother-Maxim Gorky
10)As You Like it-William Shakespeare
11)Paradise Lost-John Milton
12)The Tale of Two Cities-Charles Dickens
13)The Merchant of Venice-William Shakespeare
14)Pride and Prejudice-Jane Austen
15)All’s Well that Ends Well-William Shakespeare
16)Anna Karenina-Leo Tolstoy
17)Origin of Species-Charles Darwin
18)Discovery of India-Johor Lal Nehru
19)Asian Drama-Gunner Myrdal
20)The Old Man and The Sea-Earnest Hemingway
21)Julius Caesar-William Shakespeare
22)Man and Superman-George Bernard Shaw
23)War and Peace-Leo Tolstoy
24)Gulliver’s Travels-Jonathan Swift
25)Heaven and Earth-Lord Byron
26)Blue Bird-Lord Alfred Tennyson
27)Othello-William Shakespeare
28)India Wins Freedom-Abul Kalam Azad
29)Marriage and Moral-Bertrand Russell
30)God of the Small Things-Arundhuty Roy
31)Caesar and Cleopatra-George Bernard Shaw
32)Romeo and Juliet-William Shakespeare
33)Jungle Book-Rudyard Kipling
34)Lycidas-John Milton
35)Emma-Jane Austen
36)A pair of Blue Eyes-Thomas Hardy
38)Memories of the Second World War-Winston Churchill
39)For Whom the Bell Tolls-Earnest Hemingway
40)Wealth and Nation-Adam Smith
41)West Land-T.S Eliot
42)Vanity Fair-W.M Thackeray
45)Freedom-Bertrand Russell
46)A Long Walk to Freedom-Nelson Mandela
এই লেকচারের পরের পেইজে যেতে নিচের …. তে ক্লিক কর।
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