বর্তমানে অধিক চাহিদাসম্পন্ন একটি কাজ হল Graphic Design। একজন ব্যক্তি কম্পিউটার সফটওয়্যারের মাধ্যমে বিভিন্ন তথ্য ও তার সৃজনশীলতাকে কাজে লাগিয়ে চিত্র দ্বারা নকশা তৈরি করাই হল গ্রাফিক্স ডিজাইন। গ্রাফিক্স ডিজাইনের কাজে ব্যবহৃত কিছু সফটওয়্যার হল- Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator। কম্পিউটার বেসিক জানা থাকলে গ্রাফিক্স ডিজাইন কোর্সে অংশগ্রহন করতে পারবে।
কম্পিউটার না থাকলে দেশব্যাপী ইশিখন এজেন্ট সেন্টারগুলোতে গিয়েও ক্লাসে অংশ নিতে পারবেন। আমাদের দেশব্যাপী এজেন্টসমূহ দেখতে ক্লিক করুন
Graphic Design ভাল ডিজাইনের জন্য গ্রাফিক ডিজাইন আইডিয়া, রঙ এবং টাইপোগ্রাফি জানুন এবং প্রয়োগ করুন! আপনি কি আপনার গ্রাফিক ডিজাইন স্কিল নিয়ে হতাশ হচ্ছেন, বা ভাবছেন কিভাবে গ্রাফিক ডিজাইনাররা এত সুন্দর প্রফেশনাল আর ইফেক্টিভ ডিজাইন তৈরি করে? অথবা আপনি কি গ্রাফিক ডিজাইন সম্পর্কে আরও জানতে চান বা একজন গ্রাফিক ডিজাইনার হিসাবে ক্যারিয়ার শুরু করতে চান?
তাহলে এই কোর্সটি আপনার জন্য। এখানে বেসিক থেকে শুরু করে প্রজেক্টভিত্তিক প্রতিটি এডভ্যান্স ডিজাইন শেখানো হবে। এর আগে গ্রাফিক্স শুধুমাত্র প্রিন্টিং এর মধ্যে সীমাবদ্ধ থাকলেও ইন্টারনেট আসার পর এর চাহিদা কয়েকগুণ বেড়ে গিয়েছে। বর্তমানে সব কোম্পানিরই ওয়েবসাইট, ফেসবুক পেইজ, ইউটিউব চ্যানেল ইত্যাদি রয়েছে। ওয়েবসাইটের লোগো, ব্যানার, ফেসবুক পেজের পোস্ট, কভার ফটো এবং প্রচারণার জন্য ব্যানার ডিজাইন করার জন্য এবং ইউটিউব থাম্বনেইল মেইক করার জন্য সকল কোম্পানিই এখন গ্রাফিক ডিজাইনার নিয়োগ দিয়ে থাকেন।
Graphic Design গ্রাফিক্স ডিজাইন কোর্সটি করে আপনি ফ্রিল্যান্সিং মার্কেটে প্রচুর কাজ করতে পারবেন। এছাড়া তৈরিকৃত ডিজাইন আপলোড করে রেখে যতবার সেল হবে ততবার টাকা। এভারে রয়্যালটি ইনকামের সুযোগ রয়েছে।
সম্পূর্ণ কোর্স কারিকুলাম দেখতে নিচে স্ক্রোল(Scroll) করুন।
যারা গ্রাফিক ডিজাইন হিসেবে ক্যারিয়ার গড়তে চান
অনলাইন উদ্যোক্তা বা আইটি স্পেশালিস্ট হতে চান
ডিজাইন, আর্ট, ওয়েব গ্রাফিক্স, ইউটিউবার কিংবা ফটোগ্রাফার
যারা পড়াশুনার পাশাপাশি পার্টটাইম কিছু করে পড়াশুনা চালিয়ে নিতে চান
Graphic Design কোর্সটি শুরু করার পূর্বে অন্য কোন বিষয়ের উপর ধারনা থাকার প্রয়োজন নেই ,তবে অবশ্যই কম্পিউটার এবং ইন্টারনেট পরিচালনায় কিছুটা দক্ষ হতে হবে।
ইন্টারনেট কানেকশসহ একটি কম্পিউটার।
একটি হেডফোন (ল্যাপটপ হলে হেডফোন আবশ্যক নয়।)
CPU: Intel core i3/i5 or AMDryzen 5
Motherboard: Supports 32GB or more ram and SATA 3.0 and 2TB-4TB HD
Ram: 8GB or 4GB Minimum
SSD: 128 GB
Hard Disk: 500GB
লাইভ ক্লাস মিস করলে পরের দিন কোর্সের ভেতর উক্ত ক্লাসের ভিডিও রেকর্ডিং ও আলোচিত ফাইল সমূহ পাবেন।
কোর্স শেষেও লাইফ টাইম সাপোর্ট। যতদিন না আপনি কাজ পাচ্ছেন ততদিন এক্সপার্ট ফ্রিল্যান্সার দ্বারা তত্ত্বাবধান। ক্লাসের বাইরেও রয়েছে লাইভ সাপোর্ট, ফোন, ফেসবুক এবং মেসেঞ্জার গ্রুপ সাপোর্ট।
প্রতিটি ক্লাসের প্রথম ১৫ মিনিট আগের ক্লাসের সমস্যাগুলো সমাধান হবে, পরের ১ ঘন্টা মূল ক্লাস শেষ ১৫ মিনিট প্রশ্নোত্তর পর্ব।
প্রতিটি ক্লাসে রয়েছে মডেল টেস্ট এবং এসাইনমেন্ট।
কোর্স শেষে আপওয়ার্ক, ফাইভার, ফ্রিল্যান্সারসহ বিভিন্ন মার্কেটপ্লেসের উপর স্পেশাল ফ্রিল্যান্সিং ক্লাস। তাছাড়াও রয়েছে রিভিউ/প্রবলেম সলভিং ক্লাসসমূহ।
কোর্স শেষে অনলাইন ভেরিফায়েড সার্টিফিকেট।
কোর্স শেষে ফ্রি এবং পেইড ইন্টার্ণশিপ করার সুযোগ ।
Now I have enrolled with this course. Can we use this platform after our course? Can we find the video tutorials from this site when a class is completed? What I will have to do when I am able to attend the class?
Ashikul Islam Sir Is a great person! And his understanding is awesome. I think this course will be very friendly for working as a graphic designer in our real life….
At the beginning I don’t know nothing about Graphic Designing!!!! Even I don’t know about Illustrator or Adobe Photoshop tools! But when i participate each class & doing each class assignment!!! And after finishing this course!! I Discover myself i can easily figure out Flyer design, Different Type Business Card Design, CD Cover Design, Book Cover Design, Multiple Type Logo, Banner Design, Photo re-touching, Photo manuplution!. SO in a one word from nothing to i know something now! & now I’m confident about my graphic designing career! And i also know that this is not all!! As a successful graphic designer i need to learn deeply ui/ux design!! But my friend & dear learner I’d like to suggest to you why not try on this course only 700 bdt! where some people going to waste almost 20-25 thousand taka in good for nothing coaching center!! & the most biggest advantage is that, you can learn all the tricks & tips for becoming a successful graphic designer only cost for 700 bdt! My personal opinion is that, this is the right place for saving your hard earning money & time! & decision is completely your! WHAT you will do! & If you talking about myself? I’m 10000% benefited from this course! & i’d like to pray to Ashikul Islam bhi !! who are a really great mentor!! May Almighty bless eshikhon & Ashikul Islam bhi!!
Assalamu Alaikum I’ll call the graphics design masterclass as a student. I have benefited greatly by doing this, our Sir Ashikur Rahman has done class with utmost sincerity. Thanks sir and as well as eShikhon………
Ziaul Islam Jibon
He is a great Graphic Designer . I learn many Graphical things for him. So that i rate him ****************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************:****************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************:***************************************************************************
I would like to inform to your that, I have successfully completely graphic design course. I’m 100% benefited from this course! & i’d like to pray to Ashikul Islam Sir!! who are a really great mentor!! May Almighty bless eshikhon & Ashikul Islam Sir!!
He is a great Graphic Designer . I learn enough Graphical things from him. During graphics class, I realized he is enough expert about graphic related activities. I appreciate him. Keep up good teaching.
Ashikul Islam is not only a good teacher. He is also a good friend. His teaching policy is very efficient and friendly. All time he is try of his best to teach his students. Ashikul Islam is my pioneer of graphic design world. I hope one day i will become a good graphic designer by his teaching and my practice. May ALLHA help us.
Ashikul Islam Bhai is a great teacher .I learn a lot of things about Graphic Design. He has a great presentation skill . I cant complete the course But his way of teaching increase my interest about GD. I will carry on what i learnt from him.
Thank you .I hope almighty always bless him.
Laxmi Narayan Pashi (LN Pashi)
I am a student of GD Batch-173-1. I am writing this review because I want more Graphics Designer in Bangladesh. Thank you Ashikul Vai for making new graphics designer. I always suggest all graphics design beginners and intermediate students.
It’s a Amazing Course. I Learn batter for the Course of “Graphic Design Masterclass : Learn Graphic Design in Projects.” The Teacher of the course was so Good Person & Fine Tecnic to teach us. I learn more from our teacher. I specially thanks Eshikhon for bring us this valuable Project for all Bangladeshi specially the rural area like Village People. I also thank Eshikhon CEO “IBRAHIM AKBAR”. This man help me on Facebook with share our Fiverr class video link. That is why I gave first order (5$) on the Fiverr. Once again thanks all of the Man who involved with Eshikhon for help us in the course.
Class ta valo laga. Madam kub valo bujan. Ti madam k osonko donnobad. R dupur 3.00 pm a class ta arombo howai akto somossa hoi (may be it,s only for me), jokon class ta arombo hoi tokon kub gum asa. Tobo to valo.
Sob sas bolbo …. Thanks eSHIKHON.COM k.
It is a very effective course. The trainer is very cordial in teaching. I was fascinated to learn illustrator and photoshop. Then i heard about the course and enrolled in it. After finishing the course i got preety good knowlrdge about photoshop and illustrator
Apu it was such a nice journey with you all along 3 months or more . I had learned so much thing that opened my path .We will never forget the way you taught us by giving all your efforts to us at night . We are so pleased for the things and designs you taught us . Hope we will always keep you in contact and hats off to apu . Thank you so much apu for everything .
Vaiya Ato Valo class nen kobe je class gula ses hoye gelo bujlam na.Vai ar kace aber course korbo.Jodi vai nen.Ato valo buje kaj, ato kicu jane ato question kore sobai, sob ans tar kace ashe…
Alhamdulillah! We’ve completed our Graphics Design course successfully and accordingly. My high gratitude to Ibrahim Akbar bhai for his time-framing efforts to run such a type of professional course effectively. Many thanks to other officers and staff of e-shikhon for their continuous co-operation. And finally, my heartfelt love to the amazing Sakib bhai for his tremendous efforts to boost us up.
Such a great trainer Sakib Hasan. Easy to understand his topics and he is very friendly. Beside this he is very friendly . Thanks eShikhon team for this course at lowest rate with the best trainer. Keep it up. Best wishes.
The content of the course is very well organized. I learned a lot of important techniques from here and almost from basic level by Sakib Hasan sir’s great teaching techniques. Thank You eShikhon.
shakib sir has always tried to learn us the basics of the grapichs so we can use them to make our own designs and solved our every problem..THANK YOU eshikhon and Sakib Hasan sir..
Thanks to Eshikhon for establishing this training platform. Eshikhon has given me a chance to be a student of Shanta Apu. She is an excellent trainer. I am very grateful to her.
It was a very effective course with low budget. Thanks to E-shikhon for creating this training program. Mr. Sakib Hasan Sir is a great trainer, he is very friendly and easy to understand his every lecture.
Nahida Islam Shanta Apu is a great and helpfull trainer.she teach us very clearly. I like to thanks to Eshikhon.com that established such a great platform for the all student.
Shanta mam is one of the great trainers for the Graphic Design course. She explained to us every AI and PSD tool well. Anik Mahamud Sir is also brilliant for the T-Shirt Design, but only three class is not enough for this. I will be admitted again in the future for a full T-Shirt Design course. I want to be a better Graphic Designer in the future, pray for me.
Thank you so much Eshikhon. I’m greatful to Eshikhon where i’d learned many more about Graphics Design Masterclass and specially thanks to our honorable ma’am Nahida Sultana Shanta to guide us properly how can we improve ourselves on Graphics Designing.
আসসালামু আলাইকুম। ই-শিখনের Graphic Design Course (Graphic Design-GD-Batch-N211-4) সম্মন্ধে আমার কিছু অভিমতঃ
আলহামদুলিল্লাহ আমার Graphic Design Course (Graphic Design-GD-Batch-N211-4) টি করে অনেক ভালো লেগেছে তার একমাত্র কারন নাহিদা ইসলাম শান্তা মেডাম। তাহার ক্লাশে বোঝানোর টেকনিক বা ধরন খুবই চমৎকার। সহজেই বোধগম্য হয়। তার উপর তাহার ব্যবহার অত্যন্ত অমায়িক। ধন্যবাদ আপনার মাধ্যমে এই Graphic Design Course টি করতে পেরেছি। আর একটি কথা যদি আমার পরিচিত কেউ এই Graphic Design Course করতে চায় তাহলে আমি অবশ্যই ইশিখন এবং নাহিদা ইসলাম শান্তা মেডাম এর কথা বলবো।
Nahida Islam shanta mam you are really a good trainer and obviously a good human being with plentiful patience in behaviour. Thanks a lot for everything mam. I learned so many things from you.
(GD BATCH F-211-2, ORDER NUMBER 4002826)
Thank you so much Eshikhon for such an amazing course. And I am also very Thankful to Abdullah Al Mamun sir for being an awesome trainer. He is really good man and instructor indeed…I have learned a lot about Graphic Design from this course……Thanks again.
Jazakallahu Khairan to all of the teachers, especially, Abdullah Al Mamun Sir. It was very hard to learn the designs for me before. But after starting the course, the teacher for Graphic Design was very cooperative. I can’t believe that it is a really short time to finish our course. We, the students, really love you. And after all, we believe that we can find you by our side as a student to you like now. We will really miss you…
Thanks you very much Eshikhon. This is one of the best places to take online courses. especially thanks to Abdullah Al Mamun sir . sir is the good man and instructor indeed . I have learned a lot about Graphic Design from this course .Abdullah Al Mamun Sir took classes with special care of all the students.
we will really miss you sir. Eshikhon is best. again Thanks….
Thanks to Eshikhon.com for arrange this fantastic Graphic Design course for us. Especially thanks to our trainer Abdullah Al Mamun Vai for his excellent support and guide line for complete this course successfully. You are a great trainer. It was very fantastic and enjoyable moment for me to complete this course.
I am Nasreen Naher, from batch F212-2. I only took up the graphics design class last May with little to no knowledge, but thanks to my excellent mentor Abdullah Al Mamun sir, I was able to build up my skills with his help and easy to understand teaching techniques. They provided recoding of each class which is very handy and is a great way for me to revise the lessons and do my work in my own pace. I would like to thank Eshikhon for giving me this wonderful opportunity to learn so easily, especially by arranging online classes.
It was an awesome journey with Eshikhon. I have learned many things from this course. I want to speciallly thanks to Abdullah al mamun sir for being a friendly instructor. Thanks to Eshikhon for giving all such an amazing opportunity.
I have gained new experiences in this course, I think which is very helpful and effective in my future life, I am trying my best to learn in this course. So I am trying to gain more knowledge and always I hope to do better perform. I have learn this class very easily and clearly because everything has been achieved through the performance of our excellent mentor Abdullah Al Mamun sir. He is a good, friendly, motivating and most helpful trainer, he is shared easily all graphic design content with us which is very acceptable. So I am very proud and appreciate of my trainer. All this has been possible through the Eshikhon. Specially Thanks to Eshikhon.
Thanks to Eshikhon for outstanding teaching experiences especially thanks to Sakib Hasan sir from bottom of my heart for his outstanding patience and teaching experience. His friendly approach and teaching have touched my heart. Pray to Allah for him and eshikhon for a better life.
eShikhon is now one of the best IT sector in Bangladesh to develop one’s IT skill properly. They are providing proper guidance to the beginners to become a successful freelancer. In my views I benefited a lot after being enrolled at Graphic Design Course in eShikhon under the guidance of Sakib Hasan Sir. Thanks a lot to Sakib Hasan sir and eShikhon from my heart!!!
eshikhon is one of the best training center. Where, I feel very blessed to be doing a graphics design course. And with that, thank, my trainer Shakib Sir,He has taught us in a very beautiful way, I have never seen a better trainer than him. Shakib sir thank you. and thakns eshikhon..
হ্যালাে স্যার, আমার নাম কৃষ্ণ গােস্বামী, আমার ব্যাস নং = এন২১২-২
গ্রাফিক্স ডিজাইন কাজটি আমার খুব পছন্দের কোর্স এবং যে কোন ডিজাইনের কাজ করতে আমার খুব ভালাে লাগে। ইশিখনকে অনেক ধন্যবাদ যে এ কোর্সটা খুব কম মুল্যের মধ্যে করা সুযােগ করে দিছে। অংশগ্রহনকারীদের জ্ঞান বাড়ানাের জন্য প্রতিদিন ক্লাসের অ্যাসাইনমেন্টের বিষয়েগুলি নিয়ে প্রশিক্ষক/টিচার ও ইশিখনকে আরাে মনােযােগী হওয়া দরকার।তারপর আমি এতােটুকু সময়ের মধ্যে যে ক্লাসগুলাে করেছি এর মধ্যে গ্রাফিস ডিজাইন সম্পকে নিজেকে অনেক উন্নতি করতে পেরেছি। পরিশেষে আমার প্রশিক্ষক/টিচার ও ইশিখনকে অনেক ধন্যবাদ।
স্যারকে অনেক ধন্যবাদ আমাদেরকে যত্নসহকারে গ্রাফিক্স শেখানোর জন্য । আমার মনে হয়েছে স্যার গ্রফিক্সের যাদুকর। গ্রাফিক্সের কোন সমস্যাই স্যার-এর কাছথেকে সমাধান না হয়ে ফেরত আসেনা । স্যার আমার জন্য দোয়া করবেন আমিও যেন গ্রাফিক্সের যাদু আয়ত্ত করতে পারি আর আপনিও একসময় সবাইকে বলতে পারেন Google-এ No-1 Graphic Designer Ever সার্চ দিলে যে মেয়েটির নাম আশে (Rasheda Siddiqua) সে আমার student । সে এখনও আমাকে ফোন দিয়ে গ্রাফিক্সের অনেক কিছু জানতে চায় আর আমি আমার যথাসাধ্য চেষ্টা করি হেল্প করার জন্য…
Thanks to Eshikhon for outstanding teaching experiences especially thanks to Sakib Hasan sir from bottom of my heart for his outstanding patience and teaching experience. His friendly approach of all students.
Assalamu alaikum amader trainer sakib sir se amader khub valovabe graphic design er class gulo niyecey ba nicce. amra tar kach theke khub valovabe shikte perechi. sir onek helpful. r amader prottekta questioner answer kore. kokhono birokto hoy na.
Hi,ame Farjana.Amar motha Eshikhon on line course sob thaka akta valo protisthan.Akhana olpo khorocha freelencing shekhano hoy.Sakib sir amadar kub sundor kora course te complete kortasa.Amar mona hoy sakib sir j vaba course ta korsa ame sofol hobo .Inshaallah.Arokom akta protisthan korar jonno eshikhon k donnobad.Sakib sir k o donnobad amader class gulo sundor kora shekhanor jonno.
my name is MD Hamid. First of all, thanks Eshikon. Online graphics
The design master course is the best and I got a good result at a low price. Thank you from the bottom of my heart Shakib sir. He is beautifully conducting each of our classes. In my opinion, Shakib sir is one of the best teachers. Inshallah, I hope Shakib Sir I will be able to become a skilled graphic designer very soon.
Jerney of Graphic Design with Mr. Shakib Bhai at eShikhon
Excellent online course to learn and refresh about fundamentals of graphics design. It applies to all spheres of graphics design. I am very thankful to eShikhon to give me this opportunity to understand graphics design in the real way. It’s very creative course I really learning a lot from this course. It’s appropriate for beginners, a bit too basic for someone who has already had experience in design. I think the mentor of this course Mr. Shakib Hasan Rabby Sir is a well experienced good teacher.
I am Rupan Barua First of all, I would like to tank Ishikon and express my gratitude. Sakib Sir tries to explain the classes to us in a very beautiful way. So I thank him from the bottom of my heart.
Alhamdulillah I have completed my graphic design course and also learned so many things from our course instructor Sakib hassan sir. He is so much helpful and responsive.
Thank you.
Alhamdulillah…Learn a lot from Sir. He is the most genuine person i’ve ever met. Not only just i learn Design from Him , i learn a different thing learn from him which will help me a lot in near Future. Like behaviour, professionalism,Patience etc. He is not only a trainer to me ,he is also like brother to me. The way he share his experience with us so that we can learn from his mistake and make our new plan is unbelivable. We are so grateful to have such trainer or brother with us. Lovely Experience to join the Graphic Design course.
Abdullah Al Mamun he is a great teacher. I have been learning from him Graphic Design and its been a great experience. He was very patient with everyone in class. Always Encouraging us to do well with his teaching advice and tips. I would love to say thank you for having me as your student, honestly I learned something from every class, plus had a lot of fun doing it!
Alhamdulillah my graphic design course [graphic design -GD-Batch-N221-2] is very much liked and benefited,
Thanks to Abdullah Al Mamun SIR for this, because his technique of explaining in class is very nice, easy to understand, his use of it is very amiable,
Alhamdulillah , Successfully i complete my course & my mentor guide me very much well. My batch GRDE-Batch-N221-2. Thanks a lot sir for guide us very well & easy way . I definitely miss your class sir.
Thanks to Eshikhon for establishing this training platform. Eshikhon has given me a chance to be a student of Abdullah Al Mamun Vai.He is an excellent trainer. I really learnt a lot from, him and ofcourse from this course. I am very grateful to Eshikhon and My Mentor Abdullah Al Mamun Vai.
The course instructor Sakib Sir is one of the best instructor I have seen, very knowledgeable and professional. Loved the way he taught and made everything so easy. And was very helpful during the course time. Thank you sir.
Alhamdulillah, I benefited a lot from doing the graphic design course. I am grateful to eshikhon Institute and Abdullah Al Mamun sir. Abdullah Al Mamun sir trained us very well.
আসসালামু আলাইকুম। আমি মোঃ আখতারুজ্জামান, ব্যাচ নং গ্রাফিক ডিজাইন-222-3. গত প্রায় চার মাস যাবত ক্লাস করে অনেক কিছু শিখতে পেরেছি, আলহামদুলিল্লাহ।আমাদের INSTRUCTOR ছিলেন NAHIDA ISLAM SHANTA আপূ। তাঁর বুঝিয়ে দেওয়ার ষ্টাইলটা আমার কাছে অত্যন্ত চমতকার লেগেছে। তিনি আমাদের এ্যাসাইনমেন্ট গুলো এত কঠাের ভাবে রিভিউ করেছেন এবং এত মূল্যবান Instruction দিয়েছেন যা আমাদের জন্য পাথেয় হয়ে থাকবে। সেজন্য NAHIDA ISLAM SHANTA আপুর প্রতি কৃতজ্ঞতা প্রকাশ করছি। সেই সাথে ধন্যবাদ জানাচ্ছি ইশিখনকে এমন একজন সুদক্ষ INSTRUCTOR কে ইশিখনের সাথে যুক্ত করার জন্য।আমি শান্তা আপুর ভবিষ্যৎ কল্যাণ কামনা করছি, এবং ইশিখনের উত্তরত্তর উন্নতি কামনা করছি। সেই সাথে আপনাদের নিকট দোয়া প্রার্থণা করছি যেন আপনাদের দিকনির্দেশনা অনুসরণ করে সাফল্য অর্জন করতে পারি। ধন্যবাদ শান্তা আপু, ধন্যবাদ ইশিখন।
I’m really very much blessed to be her student,she teach us everything about AI and PSD and many more tips and tricks,as i’m new learner at beginning I know little bit about this,but now I know every basic things about this softwares and the credit goes to our honorable SHANTA apu.May ALLAH (Swt) entirely blessed you❤️
I’m from GRDE-Batch-N223-6. I’m really satisfied with this course. Our mentor was Nahida Islam Santa mam. She is an amazing person. She taught us very well and always helped us when we made a mistake. We definitely lacked in so many ways yet she never scolded us and was very patient with us. I am so great full to be one of her students. I would like to thank her for everything she did for us and the way she inspired us. I pray and wish for her wellbeing. Also thank you eShikhon for making this platform and helping so many people.
specially Thanks ibrahim vaia and course instractor abdullah al mamun vaiya
This is my first visit to an online platform. While thinking whether to learn or not, I decided to enroll in the graphic design course. Whatever is said is what is done. When the class started after a quick enrollment, when our teacher Abdullah Al Mamun Bhaiyya started the class by introducing everyone, it seemed like something very good was going to happen. Now while writing the review, standing at the very edge of the course. Abdullah Al Mamun Bhai’s class is impeccable. He explained us so carefully in the classes, then listened and answered everyone’s questions one by one even after the time was up. Abdullah Al Mamun Bhaiyah your contribution to our future good will be incomparable.
Thanks to Eshikhon for establishing this training platform. Eshikhon has given me a chance to be a student of Mohammad Towhid Sir. He is an excellent trainer.
Sir explained the class very well. Sir did not feel annoyed even if asked repeatedly. At any time, if you send a message to inform something, sir, he would explain very nicely and well. I understand every class of sir very well and I have been able to learn. InshAllah I will learn what sir taught, I will work hard myself and one day I will become a good graphic designer.
Mohammad Towhid sir you are really a good trainer. Thanks a lot for everything Sir. I learned so many things from you.I am very grateful to her.
Alhamdulillah…Learn a lot from Sir. He is the most genuine person i’ve ever met. Not only just i learn Design from Him , i learn a different thing learn from him which will help me a lot in near Future. Like behaviour, professionalism,Patience etc. He is not only a trainer to me ,he is also like brother to me. The way he share his experience with us so that we can learn from his mistake and make our new plan is unbelivable. We are so grateful to have such trainer or brother with us. Lovely Experience to join the Graphic Design course
This course was very helpful for me. Thowhid sir is a great trainer on the course and honest man. I found the sir many many help for us. just not design topic question any question problem his help for us. And eshikhon just wow . i was found this site on my brother [ he was etical haking student on eshikhon]. he advice me this site . then i will join the eshikhon ..I have learn so good,…
lats on, i am not ends good site review just said eshikhon very good
I have learned so many things from eshikon and abdullah al mamun vhaia…abdullah al mamun vhaia has helped a lot in every fector starting from learning and making good designs…infact i will have great future ahead because of eshikon they have helped a lot…i have learned a lot on how to make good designs from graphic designing course…and hope so i will have a great journey ahead on graphic designing because off eshikon and all course instructors…eshikon is great learning platform…
I have learned so many things from eshikon and NAHIDA ISLAM SHANTA APU…Nahida Islam Santa has helped a lot in every fector starting from learning and making good designs…infact i will have great future ahead because of eshikon they have helped a lot…i have learned a lot on how to make good designs from graphic designing course…and hope so i will have a great journey ahead on graphic designing because off eshikon and all course instructors…eshikon is great learning platform…
Alh’amdulillah,,,,allahr oshash kripai amon akta mam paisi jini khub shundor vaba shikhiasan,,dhorjo and binoy ar satha sob kisu bujhiasan,,amadar vul gulo shundor vaba dhoria diasan and kivaba sagulo thik korbo satau guide korasan,,always unaka ques korta encourage korasan amadar ,,,,,and amadar hazar ques thaklau birokto na hoa sagulor ans dauar khatra jothashto dhorjar porichoy diasan ja amaka sottie onak mugdho korasa,,,, a sarau course ar pora amra kivaba nijadar r o advance kora gora tulbo sagulor way ou shikhiasan amadar,,,allahr kasa pray kori jano unar daua shikkha k kaja lagata pari life a,,,May Allah bless her…..
Eshikhon k osonkho dhonnobad amon akti upokari courser ayojon korar jonno. Alhamdulillah course ti kore ami onk upokrito hoyeci abong mentor *ARMAN U. OPPI* vaiya onk helpful. Vaiya onk sundor kore kaj sikhiyecen j karone ami ai course theke onk kichu sikhte pereci.
Batch N233-3 Thanks to Eshikhon & Mentor - Abdullah-Al-Mamun
I am immensely grateful to ESHIKHON Institute and my mentor, ABDULLAH-AL-MAMUN, for being the guiding force in my graphic design journey. His expertise in Adobe Photoshop has been invaluable, teaching me image manipulation and crafting compelling social media posts. In Adobe Illustrator, his mentorship extended to intricate skills like mandala creation, vector tracing, product illustration, and icon/logo design. His constant inspiration has fueled my passion and commitment to producing better design outputs. Thank you for imparting not only technical skills but also fostering creativity and pushing me to reach new heights in the world of graphic design.
My instructor Abdul Al Mamun bhaiya was very good and taught very attentively and explained well what i didn’t understand and i can learn a lot by doing the graphic design course and this course was very helpful for me.
Thank you so much eShikhon for such an amazing course. I am also very Thankful to Abdullah Al Mamun Bhaiya for being an awesome trainer. He is really a good instructor. I have learned a lot about Graphic Design from this course……Thanks again.
Thank You eshikhon.Tajol Islam Fahim for giving us an online graphic design course.
Assalamu Alaikum
Graphics design I think I have achieved a little bit as much as I wanted to hunt
Our brother from Eshikhon has helped us a lot. Thank you bro.
Tajul Islam Fahim
Thank you
Batch N233-5 Thanks to Eshikhon & Mentor -Salman-tushar sir
I am really satisfied with this course. our mentor was SalmanTushar.the mentor was an amazing trainer. he is really a good Instructor.thank you Eshikhon for this opportunity.
It was an awesome journey with E-shikhon. I have learned many things from this course. I want to specially thanks to Salman Tushar sir for being a friendly instructor. Thanks to E-shikhon for giving all such an amazing opportunity.
Thanks’ aging.
Journey with Arman Uddin Oppi as instructor of graphics design basic course was awesome. The instructor went way beyond his class time and explained each project elaborately. He is passionate about designing and wanted his students to learn. I enjoyed this course and looking forward to learn more by practicing.
Review of Mohammed Arshad Ullah
Now I have enrolled with this course. Can we use this platform after our course? Can we find the video tutorials from this site when a class is completed? What I will have to do when I am able to attend the class?
Try to learning with eShikhon! Hope I will be the success after completing this course!
Greate Course!!
Ashikul Islam Sir Is a great person! And his understanding is awesome. I think this course will be very friendly for working as a graphic designer in our real life….
Anik Mahmud….
Nice Teacher
Ashikul Islam Sir Is a Great Teacher .
Friendly teaching nd learning…
Thank You Ashikul Islam sir…
At the beginning I don’t know nothing about Graphic Designing!!!! Even I don’t know about Illustrator or Adobe Photoshop tools! But when i participate each class & doing each class assignment!!! And after finishing this course!! I Discover myself i can easily figure out Flyer design, Different Type Business Card Design, CD Cover Design, Book Cover Design, Multiple Type Logo, Banner Design, Photo re-touching, Photo manuplution!. SO in a one word from nothing to i know something now! & now I’m confident about my graphic designing career! And i also know that this is not all!! As a successful graphic designer i need to learn deeply ui/ux design!! But my friend & dear learner I’d like to suggest to you why not try on this course only 700 bdt! where some people going to waste almost 20-25 thousand taka in good for nothing coaching center!! & the most biggest advantage is that, you can learn all the tricks & tips for becoming a successful graphic designer only cost for 700 bdt! My personal opinion is that, this is the right place for saving your hard earning money & time! & decision is completely your! WHAT you will do! & If you talking about myself? I’m 10000% benefited from this course! & i’d like to pray to Ashikul Islam bhi !! who are a really great mentor!! May Almighty bless eshikhon & Ashikul Islam bhi!!
Nice course.
Ahikul islam vai
amar mote se akjon best sir and i am proud of u vai
Assalamu Alaikum I’ll call the graphics design masterclass as a student. I have benefited greatly by doing this, our Sir Ashikur Rahman has done class with utmost sincerity. Thanks sir and as well as eShikhon………
Ziaul Islam Jibon
He is a great Graphic Designer . I learn many Graphical things for him. So that i rate him ****************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************:****************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************:***************************************************************************
Ashikul bhai is an excellent tutor who is very knowledgeable and conveys his knowledge of complex material in a manner easily understandable.
Thank u....
Your mentoring truly had a positive impact in my life and i can never thank u enough. I appreciate your help and guidance for my career.
nice course
Thank u for everything sir..
That is very better coerce
I would like to inform to your that, I have successfully completely graphic design course. I’m 100% benefited from this course! & i’d like to pray to Ashikul Islam Sir!! who are a really great mentor!! May Almighty bless eshikhon & Ashikul Islam Sir!!
He is a great Graphic Designer . I learn enough Graphical things from him. During graphics class, I realized he is enough expert about graphic related activities. I appreciate him. Keep up good teaching.
It`s realy a life changing course for all of us.
Ashikul Islam is not only a good teacher. He is also a good friend. His teaching policy is very efficient and friendly. All time he is try of his best to teach his students. Ashikul Islam is my pioneer of graphic design world. I hope one day i will become a good graphic designer by his teaching and my practice. May ALLHA help us.
Great Presentation
Ashikul Islam Bhai is a great teacher .I learn a lot of things about Graphic Design. He has a great presentation skill . I cant complete the course But his way of teaching increase my interest about GD. I will carry on what i learnt from him.
Thank you .I hope almighty always bless him.
Laxmi Narayan Pashi (LN Pashi)
valo laglo course ta kore
Great Course
I am a student of GD Batch-173-1. I am writing this review because I want more Graphics Designer in Bangladesh. Thank you Ashikul Vai for making new graphics designer. I always suggest all graphics design beginners and intermediate students.
Please help me out. I couldnt attend the class 1 of batch 183-2 in graphics design. Tell me how can i download the live classes videos
It's a Amazing Course.
It’s a Amazing Course. I Learn batter for the Course of “Graphic Design Masterclass : Learn Graphic Design in Projects.” The Teacher of the course was so Good Person & Fine Tecnic to teach us. I learn more from our teacher. I specially thanks Eshikhon for bring us this valuable Project for all Bangladeshi specially the rural area like Village People. I also thank Eshikhon CEO “IBRAHIM AKBAR”. This man help me on Facebook with share our Fiverr class video link. That is why I gave first order (5$) on the Fiverr. Once again thanks all of the Man who involved with Eshikhon for help us in the course.
Class ta valo laga. Madam kub valo bujan. Ti madam k osonko donnobad. R dupur 3.00 pm a class ta arombo howai akto somossa hoi (may be it,s only for me), jokon class ta arombo hoi tokon kub gum asa. Tobo to valo.
Sob sas bolbo …. Thanks eSHIKHON.COM k.
Thanks Nahida Islam Santa Apu. May Allah (Swt) bless you.
Good course
It is a very effective course. The trainer is very cordial in teaching. I was fascinated to learn illustrator and photoshop. Then i heard about the course and enrolled in it. After finishing the course i got preety good knowlrdge about photoshop and illustrator
Apu it was such a nice journey with you all along 3 months or more . I had learned so much thing that opened my path .We will never forget the way you taught us by giving all your efforts to us at night . We are so pleased for the things and designs you taught us . Hope we will always keep you in contact and hats off to apu . Thank you so much apu for everything .
Best teacher SHANTA mam
Assalamu alaikum,
I am Abdul Ahad. I miss you mam. your teacing so great. But people are dimensionally wrong. So, you are great teacher.
Good & Helpful
Vaiya Ato Valo class nen kobe je class gula ses hoye gelo bujlam na.Vai ar kace aber course korbo.Jodi vai nen.Ato valo buje kaj, ato kicu jane ato question kore sobai, sob ans tar kace ashe…
Love u vai.
Sakib bhai - a "Masterclass Graphics Designer"
Alhamdulillah! We’ve completed our Graphics Design course successfully and accordingly. My high gratitude to Ibrahim Akbar bhai for his time-framing efforts to run such a type of professional course effectively. Many thanks to other officers and staff of e-shikhon for their continuous co-operation. And finally, my heartfelt love to the amazing Sakib bhai for his tremendous efforts to boost us up.
Sakib sir is a very good man and good teacher
Frist, there is a great training experience in Sakib sir . secend,This is a great course.I really learned a lot of things. Thank u eShikhon.com
Practice Makes a Man Perfect
Such a great trainer Sakib Hasan. Easy to understand his topics and he is very friendly. Beside this he is very friendly . Thanks eShikhon team for this course at lowest rate with the best trainer. Keep it up. Best wishes.
Good course with Sakib sir on a low budget
The content of the course is very well organized. I learned a lot of important techniques from here and almost from basic level by Sakib Hasan sir’s great teaching techniques. Thank You eShikhon.
about our graphic class
shakib sir has always tried to learn us the basics of the grapichs so we can use them to make our own designs and solved our every problem..THANK YOU eshikhon and Sakib Hasan sir..
Nahida Islam Shanta Apu is a great trainer.
Thanks to Eshikhon for establishing this training platform. Eshikhon has given me a chance to be a student of Shanta Apu. She is an excellent trainer. I am very grateful to her.
Uncover Your Heart with Graphics Design
It was a very effective course with low budget. Thanks to E-shikhon for creating this training program. Mr. Sakib Hasan Sir is a great trainer, he is very friendly and easy to understand his every lecture.
Journey of Graphics Design
Happy with this course. Thank you Eshikhon.
Sakib Sir is a great...
Sakib sir is a great Trainer. I learn many more things GD to him During the Course. I Honour to him. May Allah bless to him. Thanks to Eshikhon.
A journey of graphic design course!
A great learning experience! Thanks to eShikhon.
valo laglo course ta kore..thank you all
Fully advance course...
It vary advance course.Future devloped sussesfull.
Nahida Islam Shanta Apu is a great and helpfull trainer.she teach us very clearly. I like to thanks to Eshikhon.com that established such a great platform for the all student.
Thanks to Eshikhon.com.
Shanta mam is one of the great trainers for the Graphic Design course. She explained to us every AI and PSD tool well. Anik Mahamud Sir is also brilliant for the T-Shirt Design, but only three class is not enough for this. I will be admitted again in the future for a full T-Shirt Design course. I want to be a better Graphic Designer in the future, pray for me.
Thank you so much Eshikhon. I’m greatful to Eshikhon where i’d learned many more about Graphics Design Masterclass and specially thanks to our honorable ma’am Nahida Sultana Shanta to guide us properly how can we improve ourselves on Graphics Designing.
আসসালামু আলাইকুম। ই-শিখনের Graphic Design Course (Graphic Design-GD-Batch-N211-4) সম্মন্ধে আমার কিছু অভিমতঃ
আলহামদুলিল্লাহ আমার Graphic Design Course (Graphic Design-GD-Batch-N211-4) টি করে অনেক ভালো লেগেছে তার একমাত্র কারন নাহিদা ইসলাম শান্তা মেডাম। তাহার ক্লাশে বোঝানোর টেকনিক বা ধরন খুবই চমৎকার। সহজেই বোধগম্য হয়। তার উপর তাহার ব্যবহার অত্যন্ত অমায়িক। ধন্যবাদ আপনার মাধ্যমে এই Graphic Design Course টি করতে পেরেছি। আর একটি কথা যদি আমার পরিচিত কেউ এই Graphic Design Course করতে চায় তাহলে আমি অবশ্যই ইশিখন এবং নাহিদা ইসলাম শান্তা মেডাম এর কথা বলবো।
Expressing gratitude
Nahida Islam shanta mam you are really a good trainer and obviously a good human being with plentiful patience in behaviour. Thanks a lot for everything mam. I learned so many things from you.
Thank you , Eshikhon
Such a nice course & instructors are amazing . Thank you , Eshikhon.
(GD BATCH F-211-2, ORDER NUMBER 4002826)
My Journey With Eshikhon
It was an amazing journey. A big thanks Sk Jasib vaiya, an amazing teacher. Thank You So Much. May Allah Bless You.
Thanks to Eshikhon
Thank you so much Eshikhon for such an amazing course. And I am also very Thankful to Abdullah Al Mamun sir for being an awesome trainer. He is really good man and instructor indeed…I have learned a lot about Graphic Design from this course……Thanks again.
Progression for eSHIKHON.
Jazakallahu Khairan to all of the teachers, especially, Abdullah Al Mamun Sir. It was very hard to learn the designs for me before. But after starting the course, the teacher for Graphic Design was very cooperative. I can’t believe that it is a really short time to finish our course. We, the students, really love you. And after all, we believe that we can find you by our side as a student to you like now. We will really miss you…
Thanks to Eshikhon
Thanks you very much Eshikhon. This is one of the best places to take online courses. especially thanks to Abdullah Al Mamun sir . sir is the good man and instructor indeed . I have learned a lot about Graphic Design from this course .Abdullah Al Mamun Sir took classes with special care of all the students.
we will really miss you sir. Eshikhon is best. again Thanks….
My Story about Graphic Design Ciourse
Thanks to Eshikhon.com for arrange this fantastic Graphic Design course for us. Especially thanks to our trainer Abdullah Al Mamun Vai for his excellent support and guide line for complete this course successfully. You are a great trainer. It was very fantastic and enjoyable moment for me to complete this course.
I am Nasreen Naher, from batch F212-2. I only took up the graphics design class last May with little to no knowledge, but thanks to my excellent mentor Abdullah Al Mamun sir, I was able to build up my skills with his help and easy to understand teaching techniques. They provided recoding of each class which is very handy and is a great way for me to revise the lessons and do my work in my own pace. I would like to thank Eshikhon for giving me this wonderful opportunity to learn so easily, especially by arranging online classes.
It was an awesome journey with Eshikhon. I have learned many things from this course. I want to speciallly thanks to Abdullah al mamun sir for being a friendly instructor. Thanks to Eshikhon for giving all such an amazing opportunity.
Thanks To Eshikhon
I have gained new experiences in this course, I think which is very helpful and effective in my future life, I am trying my best to learn in this course. So I am trying to gain more knowledge and always I hope to do better perform. I have learn this class very easily and clearly because everything has been achieved through the performance of our excellent mentor Abdullah Al Mamun sir. He is a good, friendly, motivating and most helpful trainer, he is shared easily all graphic design content with us which is very acceptable. So I am very proud and appreciate of my trainer. All this has been possible through the Eshikhon. Specially Thanks to Eshikhon.
Thanks to Eshikhon
Thanks Abdullah Al Mamun sir for your great service.
Thanks to Eshikhon
Thanks to Eshikhon for outstanding teaching experiences especially thanks to Sakib Hasan sir from bottom of my heart for his outstanding patience and teaching experience. His friendly approach and teaching have touched my heart. Pray to Allah for him and eshikhon for a better life.
eShikhon The Progressive IT Sector in Bangladesh
eShikhon is now one of the best IT sector in Bangladesh to develop one’s IT skill properly. They are providing proper guidance to the beginners to become a successful freelancer. In my views I benefited a lot after being enrolled at Graphic Design Course in eShikhon under the guidance of Sakib Hasan Sir. Thanks a lot to Sakib Hasan sir and eShikhon from my heart!!!
Thanks to eshikhon..
eshikhon is one of the best training center. Where, I feel very blessed to be doing a graphics design course. And with that, thank, my trainer Shakib Sir,He has taught us in a very beautiful way, I have never seen a better trainer than him. Shakib sir thank you. and thakns eshikhon..
Really, eshikhon is one of the best platform for freelancing course and specially thanks to SAKIB HASAN RABBY Sir for his talent.
Thanks Eshikhon .GRDE Batch 212-2
In my experience eshikhon is a great platform for Learning freelancing.. Above all thanks Eshikhon.
আমার নাম কৃষ্ণ গােস্বামী, আমার ব্যাস নং = এন২১২-২
হ্যালাে স্যার, আমার নাম কৃষ্ণ গােস্বামী, আমার ব্যাস নং = এন২১২-২
গ্রাফিক্স ডিজাইন কাজটি আমার খুব পছন্দের কোর্স এবং যে কোন ডিজাইনের কাজ করতে আমার খুব ভালাে লাগে। ইশিখনকে অনেক ধন্যবাদ যে এ কোর্সটা খুব কম মুল্যের মধ্যে করা সুযােগ করে দিছে। অংশগ্রহনকারীদের জ্ঞান বাড়ানাের জন্য প্রতিদিন ক্লাসের অ্যাসাইনমেন্টের বিষয়েগুলি নিয়ে প্রশিক্ষক/টিচার ও ইশিখনকে আরাে মনােযােগী হওয়া দরকার।তারপর আমি এতােটুকু সময়ের মধ্যে যে ক্লাসগুলাে করেছি এর মধ্যে গ্রাফিস ডিজাইন সম্পকে নিজেকে অনেক উন্নতি করতে পেরেছি। পরিশেষে আমার প্রশিক্ষক/টিচার ও ইশিখনকে অনেক ধন্যবাদ।
Graphic design
The method of teaching was amazimg
সাকিব হাসান রাব্বি স্যার
স্যারকে অনেক ধন্যবাদ আমাদেরকে যত্নসহকারে গ্রাফিক্স শেখানোর জন্য । আমার মনে হয়েছে স্যার গ্রফিক্সের যাদুকর। গ্রাফিক্সের কোন সমস্যাই স্যার-এর কাছথেকে সমাধান না হয়ে ফেরত আসেনা । স্যার আমার জন্য দোয়া করবেন আমিও যেন গ্রাফিক্সের যাদু আয়ত্ত করতে পারি আর আপনিও একসময় সবাইকে বলতে পারেন Google-এ No-1 Graphic Designer Ever সার্চ দিলে যে মেয়েটির নাম আশে (Rasheda Siddiqua) সে আমার student । সে এখনও আমাকে ফোন দিয়ে গ্রাফিক্সের অনেক কিছু জানতে চায় আর আমি আমার যথাসাধ্য চেষ্টা করি হেল্প করার জন্য…
This is a 5 star review.
Shakib Sir took our classes very well. Sir explained the classes very well. That is why I am grateful to Sir.
Thanks to Eshikhon for outstanding teaching experiences especially thanks to Sakib Hasan sir from bottom of my heart for his outstanding patience and teaching experience. His friendly approach of all students.
5 star review
Many thanks to eshikhon. To launch a course so good. Personally I have benefited a lot. Shakib Sir has helped a lot. Many thanks to him for this
5 star review
Assalamu alaikum amader trainer sakib sir se amader khub valovabe graphic design er class gulo niyecey ba nicce. amra tar kach theke khub valovabe shikte perechi. sir onek helpful. r amader prottekta questioner answer kore. kokhono birokto hoy na.
Hi,ame Farjana.Amar motha Eshikhon on line course sob thaka akta valo protisthan.Akhana olpo khorocha freelencing shekhano hoy.Sakib sir amadar kub sundor kora course te complete kortasa.Amar mona hoy sakib sir j vaba course ta korsa ame sofol hobo .Inshaallah.Arokom akta protisthan korar jonno eshikhon k donnobad.Sakib sir k o donnobad amader class gulo sundor kora shekhanor jonno.
my name is MD Hamid. First of all, thanks Eshikon. Online graphics
The design master course is the best and I got a good result at a low price. Thank you from the bottom of my heart Shakib sir. He is beautifully conducting each of our classes. In my opinion, Shakib sir is one of the best teachers. Inshallah, I hope Shakib Sir I will be able to become a skilled graphic designer very soon.
Shakib sir’s explanation is very easy.The work that i can’t do that day,sir, did it in a moment.
Jerney of Graphic Design with Mr. Shakib Bhai at eShikhon
Excellent online course to learn and refresh about fundamentals of graphics design. It applies to all spheres of graphics design. I am very thankful to eShikhon to give me this opportunity to understand graphics design in the real way. It’s very creative course I really learning a lot from this course. It’s appropriate for beginners, a bit too basic for someone who has already had experience in design. I think the mentor of this course Mr. Shakib Hasan Rabby Sir is a well experienced good teacher.
I am Rupan Barua First of all, I would like to tank Ishikon and express my gratitude. Sakib Sir tries to explain the classes to us in a very beautiful way. So I thank him from the bottom of my heart.
Sakib Hassan Sir
Alhamdulillah I have completed my graphic design course and also learned so many things from our course instructor Sakib hassan sir. He is so much helpful and responsive.
Thank you.
Abdullah Al Mamun Sir
Alhamdulillah…Learn a lot from Sir. He is the most genuine person i’ve ever met. Not only just i learn Design from Him , i learn a different thing learn from him which will help me a lot in near Future. Like behaviour, professionalism,Patience etc. He is not only a trainer to me ,he is also like brother to me. The way he share his experience with us so that we can learn from his mistake and make our new plan is unbelivable. We are so grateful to have such trainer or brother with us. Lovely Experience to join the Graphic Design course.
ধন্যবাদ ইশিখন।অনেক-অনেক ভালোবাসা আব্দুল্লাহ আল মামুন স্যার।
Great Teacher
Abdullah Al Mamun he is a great teacher. I have been learning from him Graphic Design and its been a great experience. He was very patient with everyone in class. Always Encouraging us to do well with his teaching advice and tips. I would love to say thank you for having me as your student, honestly I learned something from every class, plus had a lot of fun doing it!
Thanks Abdullah Al mamun sir, your a genius of graphic design, may Allah bess you.
great teacher
Alhamdulillah my graphic design course [graphic design -GD-Batch-N221-2] is very much liked and benefited,
Thanks to Abdullah Al Mamun SIR for this, because his technique of explaining in class is very nice, easy to understand, his use of it is very amiable,
Thanks to him for learning so much,
Thanks a lot eshikhon.com
Alhamdulillah , Successfully i complete my course & my mentor guide me very much well. My batch GRDE-Batch-N221-2. Thanks a lot sir for guide us very well & easy way . I definitely miss your class sir.
It is a great course for me.
Thanks to Eshikhon for establishing this training platform. Eshikhon has given me a chance to be a student of Abdullah Al Mamun Vai.He is an excellent trainer. I really learnt a lot from, him and ofcourse from this course. I am very grateful to Eshikhon and My Mentor Abdullah Al Mamun Vai.
Excellent Course
I have learned a lot from this course. This course is sufficient for someone with no previous knowledge to begin working as a graphic designer.
Thanks to Eshikhon & Abdullah Al Mamun Sir.
It’s a great journey for me. this graphic design course is awesome. it’s a creative sector of freelancing.
The course instructor Sakib Sir is one of the best instructor I have seen, very knowledgeable and professional. Loved the way he taught and made everything so easy. And was very helpful during the course time. Thank you sir.
Graphic Design Masterclass Live Course
Alhamdulillah, I benefited a lot from doing the graphic design course. I am grateful to eshikhon Institute and Abdullah Al Mamun sir. Abdullah Al Mamun sir trained us very well.
আসসালামু আলাইকুম। আমি মোঃ আখতারুজ্জামান, ব্যাচ নং গ্রাফিক ডিজাইন-222-3. গত প্রায় চার মাস যাবত ক্লাস করে অনেক কিছু শিখতে পেরেছি, আলহামদুলিল্লাহ।আমাদের INSTRUCTOR ছিলেন NAHIDA ISLAM SHANTA আপূ। তাঁর বুঝিয়ে দেওয়ার ষ্টাইলটা আমার কাছে অত্যন্ত চমতকার লেগেছে। তিনি আমাদের এ্যাসাইনমেন্ট গুলো এত কঠাের ভাবে রিভিউ করেছেন এবং এত মূল্যবান Instruction দিয়েছেন যা আমাদের জন্য পাথেয় হয়ে থাকবে। সেজন্য NAHIDA ISLAM SHANTA আপুর প্রতি কৃতজ্ঞতা প্রকাশ করছি। সেই সাথে ধন্যবাদ জানাচ্ছি ইশিখনকে এমন একজন সুদক্ষ INSTRUCTOR কে ইশিখনের সাথে যুক্ত করার জন্য।আমি শান্তা আপুর ভবিষ্যৎ কল্যাণ কামনা করছি, এবং ইশিখনের উত্তরত্তর উন্নতি কামনা করছি। সেই সাথে আপনাদের নিকট দোয়া প্রার্থণা করছি যেন আপনাদের দিকনির্দেশনা অনুসরণ করে সাফল্য অর্জন করতে পারি। ধন্যবাদ শান্তা আপু, ধন্যবাদ ইশিখন।
I’m really very much blessed to be her student,she teach us everything about AI and PSD and many more tips and tricks,as i’m new learner at beginning I know little bit about this,but now I know every basic things about this softwares and the credit goes to our honorable SHANTA apu.May ALLAH (Swt) entirely blessed you❤️
My experiences
A very good course. Learned a lot. Now it’s just time to apply. Thank you esikhon for giving me the opportunity to enjoy such a beautiful course.
Amazing course And great mentor
I’m from GRDE-Batch-N223-6. I’m really satisfied with this course. Our mentor was Nahida Islam Santa mam. She is an amazing person. She taught us very well and always helped us when we made a mistake. We definitely lacked in so many ways yet she never scolded us and was very patient with us. I am so great full to be one of her students. I would like to thank her for everything she did for us and the way she inspired us. I pray and wish for her wellbeing. Also thank you eShikhon for making this platform and helping so many people.
specially Thanks ibrahim vaia and course instractor abdullah al mamun vaiya
This is my first visit to an online platform. While thinking whether to learn or not, I decided to enroll in the graphic design course. Whatever is said is what is done. When the class started after a quick enrollment, when our teacher Abdullah Al Mamun Bhaiyya started the class by introducing everyone, it seemed like something very good was going to happen. Now while writing the review, standing at the very edge of the course. Abdullah Al Mamun Bhai’s class is impeccable. He explained us so carefully in the classes, then listened and answered everyone’s questions one by one even after the time was up. Abdullah Al Mamun Bhaiyah your contribution to our future good will be incomparable.
stay well
Very Helpful
The instrucotor was very calm and he taught with utmost care. This course was very helpful for me.
Mohammad Towhid Sir is a Great Trainer
Thanks to Eshikhon for establishing this training platform. Eshikhon has given me a chance to be a student of Mohammad Towhid Sir. He is an excellent trainer.
Sir explained the class very well. Sir did not feel annoyed even if asked repeatedly. At any time, if you send a message to inform something, sir, he would explain very nicely and well. I understand every class of sir very well and I have been able to learn. InshAllah I will learn what sir taught, I will work hard myself and one day I will become a good graphic designer.
Mohammad Towhid sir you are really a good trainer. Thanks a lot for everything Sir. I learned so many things from you.I am very grateful to her.
Alhamdulillah…Learn a lot from Sir. He is the most genuine person i’ve ever met. Not only just i learn Design from Him , i learn a different thing learn from him which will help me a lot in near Future. Like behaviour, professionalism,Patience etc. He is not only a trainer to me ,he is also like brother to me. The way he share his experience with us so that we can learn from his mistake and make our new plan is unbelivable. We are so grateful to have such trainer or brother with us. Lovely Experience to join the Graphic Design course
Learned a lot from this course, Still learning. Thank you eShikhon for this opportunity.
সত্যিই প্রশংসনীয় একটি কোর্স
অসাধারণ একটি কোর্স। খুবই ভালো লেগেছে। সিলেবাস ভালো ছিলো। মেন্টর ও অনেক হেল্পফুল ছিলেন।
This course was very helpful for me. Thowhid sir is a great trainer on the course and honest man. I found the sir many many help for us. just not design topic question any question problem his help for us. And eshikhon just wow . i was found this site on my brother [ he was etical haking student on eshikhon]. he advice me this site . then i will join the eshikhon ..I have learn so good,…
lats on, i am not ends good site review just said eshikhon very good
Graphic Designing Course
I have learned so many things from eshikon and abdullah al mamun vhaia…abdullah al mamun vhaia has helped a lot in every fector starting from learning and making good designs…infact i will have great future ahead because of eshikon they have helped a lot…i have learned a lot on how to make good designs from graphic designing course…and hope so i will have a great journey ahead on graphic designing because off eshikon and all course instructors…eshikon is great learning platform…
Best Graphic Design Course in Bangladesh
The teacher and Course was Amazing!
"GRDE-Batch-N232-2"--Tauhidul Islam is a very good teacher
An excellent course. I like it very much. Syllabus was good. The mentor was also very helpful.
I have learned so many things from eshikon and NAHIDA ISLAM SHANTA APU…Nahida Islam Santa has helped a lot in every fector starting from learning and making good designs…infact i will have great future ahead because of eshikon they have helped a lot…i have learned a lot on how to make good designs from graphic designing course…and hope so i will have a great journey ahead on graphic designing because off eshikon and all course instructors…eshikon is great learning platform…
Nahida Islam Shanta mam is a great instructor
Alh’amdulillah,,,,allahr oshash kripai amon akta mam paisi jini khub shundor vaba shikhiasan,,dhorjo and binoy ar satha sob kisu bujhiasan,,amadar vul gulo shundor vaba dhoria diasan and kivaba sagulo thik korbo satau guide korasan,,always unaka ques korta encourage korasan amadar ,,,,,and amadar hazar ques thaklau birokto na hoa sagulor ans dauar khatra jothashto dhorjar porichoy diasan ja amaka sottie onak mugdho korasa,,,, a sarau course ar pora amra kivaba nijadar r o advance kora gora tulbo sagulor way ou shikhiasan amadar,,,allahr kasa pray kori jano unar daua shikkha k kaja lagata pari life a,,,May Allah bless her…..
Eshikhon k osonkho dhonnobad amon akti upokari courser ayojon korar jonno. Alhamdulillah course ti kore ami onk upokrito hoyeci abong mentor *ARMAN U. OPPI* vaiya onk helpful. Vaiya onk sundor kore kaj sikhiyecen j karone ami ai course theke onk kichu sikhte pereci.
Md pranto sir is great intructor
The instrucotor was very calm and he taught with utmost care. This course was very helpful for me and thaks to eshikon
Batch N233-3 Thanks to Eshikhon & Mentor - Abdullah-Al-Mamun
I am immensely grateful to ESHIKHON Institute and my mentor, ABDULLAH-AL-MAMUN, for being the guiding force in my graphic design journey. His expertise in Adobe Photoshop has been invaluable, teaching me image manipulation and crafting compelling social media posts. In Adobe Illustrator, his mentorship extended to intricate skills like mandala creation, vector tracing, product illustration, and icon/logo design. His constant inspiration has fueled my passion and commitment to producing better design outputs. Thank you for imparting not only technical skills but also fostering creativity and pushing me to reach new heights in the world of graphic design.
Abdul Al Mamun is a good mentor
My instructor Abdul Al Mamun bhaiya was very good and taught very attentively and explained well what i didn’t understand and i can learn a lot by doing the graphic design course and this course was very helpful for me.
Thanks to eshikhon.com and Abdullah Al Mamun for giving us an online graphic design course.
I am 100 percent happy to complete a course on the basics of graphic design. I hope that success lives it long.
Thanks To eShikhon
Thank you so much eShikhon for such an amazing course. I am also very Thankful to Abdullah Al Mamun Bhaiya for being an awesome trainer. He is really a good instructor. I have learned a lot about Graphic Design from this course……Thanks again.
Thank You eshikhon.Tajol Islam Fahim for giving us an online graphic design course.
Assalamu Alaikum
Graphics design I think I have achieved a little bit as much as I wanted to hunt
Our brother from Eshikhon has helped us a lot. Thank you bro.
Tajul Islam Fahim
Thank you
Batch N233-5 Thanks to Eshikhon & Mentor -Salman-tushar sir
I am really satisfied with this course. our mentor was SalmanTushar.the mentor was an amazing trainer. he is really a good Instructor.thank you Eshikhon for this opportunity.
BATCH N233-5 E-sikhon
It was an awesome journey with E-shikhon. I have learned many things from this course. I want to specially thanks to Salman Tushar sir for being a friendly instructor. Thanks to E-shikhon for giving all such an amazing opportunity.
Thanks’ aging.
graphics Design with Arman Uddin Oppi
Journey with Arman Uddin Oppi as instructor of graphics design basic course was awesome. The instructor went way beyond his class time and explained each project elaborately. He is passionate about designing and wanted his students to learn. I enjoyed this course and looking forward to learn more by practicing.